Alicia “Clueless” Silverstone Eats Poisonous Fruit in TikTok video – IOTW Report

Alicia “Clueless” Silverstone Eats Poisonous Fruit in TikTok video

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15 Comments on Alicia “Clueless” Silverstone Eats Poisonous Fruit in TikTok video

  1. Courtesy of Wikipedia –

    Solanum pseudocapsicum is a nightshade species with mildly poisonous fruit. It is commonly known as the Jerusalem cherry. Although the toxin is poisonous, it is generally not life-threatening to humans.

  2. So? She ate the fruit.
    Is she hospitalized/dead? No? Then it can’t be that poisonous.
    Total clickbait.

  3. “Who goes around and eats thing they just find on the ground?”
    That would be me, grew watching/reading Euell Gibbons and the Foxfire books, a country boy can survive.
    It won’t kill her, hope it makes the idiot sick though.
    Tomatoes, nightshade, dummy.


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