All 90 pages of Nashville transgender shooter Audrey Hale manifesto released by The Tennessee Star – IOTW Report

All 90 pages of Nashville transgender shooter Audrey Hale manifesto released by The Tennessee Star

Gateway Pundit

Star News Digital Media, Inc., which owns and operates The Star, and the publication’s editor-in-chief, Michael Patrick Leahy, are currently plaintiffs in lawsuits seeking to compel the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) and the FBI to release Hale’s writings, including those referred to as a manifesto.

The Tennessee Star previously confirmed that it had obtained nearly four dozen pages of Hale’s writings from a source familiar with the investigation. The March 11, 2023 entry revealed her intense desire to possess a “penis.” more

11 Comments on All 90 pages of Nashville transgender shooter Audrey Hale manifesto released by The Tennessee Star

  1. Here’s a thought – If an entity attempts to suppress and otherwise hide the thoughts and writings of a sick freak with a twisted ideology, that entity probably supports that twisted ideology. If they support twisted ideologies they probably know where they are, goad them, enable them, maybe even finance them and just let things take their course and happen.
    I can’t think of a particular incident… 🤨 … Just a thot.

  2. Not a thing contained therein that hasn’t already been written, and given high praise, by someone somewhere in a position of authority or graduate student in American academia. Not one damn thing. They are trying to put the masks back on at this point. Here’s the deal, this sick puppy is what the self identified global elites have been aiming to produce since at least the 1920’s.

  3. To all the females who think they’re really a “male” inside. Let me disabuse you of a few facts about being a man.

    Your value as an adult male comes from being able to efficiently acquire things, fix things, use tools, solve problems, engineer things, and protect others. Beyond those things, you have no intrinsic value, even if your mom says otherwise, and she’s lying.

    Male friendships are not weepy, sullen affairs. You’re either helping each other with mutual goals or you’re calling each other “asshole” in jest… or not.

    The world truly doesn’t give a shit if you live or die because they’re plenty more where you came from. And you better know how to fight in some way, or you are fucked.

  4. A perverse as it may sound, I kinda don’t care what she wrote about her terrible life. She killed people and there’s nothing that ameliorates it. I do understand how important it is to know that her insane thoughts centered on her hatred of Jesus and, by extension, Christians. The cretins who suppressed this information and her extremely obvious MOTIVE should receive a fitting punishment, because this is only one in a series of so-called trans violence against Christians. We are a Christian household and we’ve got 2 so-called trans kids in their mid-20’s living right next door, and I have to admit they make me very wary.

  5. “🤨 … Just a thot.”

    Read “Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties” by Tom O’Neill
    (he left the FBI out of the title but included them in the book)

    Creepy stuff.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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