All Jokes aside… – IOTW Report

All Jokes aside…

By Jethro

…who would take the risk and bite into this thing?

Burger King is trying to let its gay customers have it their way with a new sandwich called the “Proud Whopper.”
The gay-pride burger is being sold at one Burger King restaurant in San Francisco on Market Street through Thursday. The sandwich is served in a rainbow-colored wrapper that reads, “We are all the same inside.”

Read full article: All Jokes aside…

38 Comments on All Jokes aside…

  1. Go ahead and sell to gays. You’ll be out of business in no time. Great marketing idea. Piss off your customer base and gain 1% or less of gays. Arn’t they all vegans?

  2. …And the rights of the BK workers who might not want to participate in a marketing scheme that glorifies what their religion marks as a sin…
    I’m sure those are being protected..

  3. Can’t understand the logic of this. It’s been pounded into all our heads that 10% of any population is gay. Why is everyone catering to this group and, in doing so, running the risk of pissing off the other 90%?

    Political correctness will be the death of this country.

  4. Really, really stupid marketing move.

    They’re catering to the gays in just one small market, and risking the whole enchilada.
    (Sorry for the mixed metaphor.)

  5. Don’t get too hung up about this one. It was only one store in the heart of gay San Francisco and they only did it for one week. Hell, in this economy (never mind what’s happening on Wall Street where the worlds biggest ever bubble is growing with money the feds are printing through this BS program called Quantitative Easing) anything you can do to get or keep business is probably the order of the day.

  6. Customized wrapper may just catch on. I will not support these fag burgers but if they wrapped it in an NRA wrapper I would. It would sell big time in Texas(NRA)

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