All Not ‘Joly’ In Present-Day Canuckistan – IOTW Report

All Not ‘Joly’ In Present-Day Canuckistan

Canada Free Press: Americans will recognize obscure, barely known Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly from the fawning looks she casts at boss Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in many online photos.

Joly is Trudeau’s always at-the-ready chief and gushing cheerleader.

Now with Canada well on its way as a captive creature of the World Economic Forum (Joly was named a young global leader by the WEF), with Canadians suffering economically, saddled with Trudeau’s legendary tyrannical policies, Joly has been working on a “game plan” for the outcome of America’s upcoming presidential election. more here

6 Comments on All Not ‘Joly’ In Present-Day Canuckistan

  1. Far right authoritarianism?
    Canada forcing the likes of Jordan Peterson to go to “reeducation” because of comments? Arresting preachers for teaching homosexuality is wrong.
    Arresting preachers for holding fellowship.
    Outlawing speech, etc
    Who’s the authoritarian?

  2. Canada chose serfdom – no help for that.
    Interfering with our affairs are acts of war. We (when an American administration comes to power) must consider them such, and act appropriately.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I finally got the links to work.

    The Canadian government not only helps fund the CBC (and, unlike the BBC, they also have commercials) but they also subsidize “journalism.” It is as if Canadians have no idea what an “independent press” is.

    Yes, journalists in the US are left wing political hacks but that because they are terrible at all their jobs, not that the government is paying them off — at least directly.


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