All Pooped Out – IOTW Report

All Pooped Out

Yogi Yorgesson – All Pooped Out

22 Comments on All Pooped Out

  1. Hanz; I remember, and heard, and at high school dances danced to does you chewing gum lose it flavor, but I must say I never knew all the actual words…thanks, enlightened.

  2. Red Skelton’s my favorite.

    I have a DVD collection of Red Skelton shows that I used to loan out to recovering zipper (By-pass recovers) people and it always helped cheer them up.

  3. HANZ
    “Can you hang it on your tonsils….” Came out when I WAS AN UNDERGRAD

    Took a very pretty girl on 3rd date to a sock hop at college fieldhouse. After we got there she told me she was Baptist and could not dance! Well there are lots of other things couples can do beside dance. Been married 57 years, somehow had a few kids? Lots of Storks in Cal.

    I actually di not see the stork; but how else?

    The story may be hard to believe BUT IT IS TRUE; except for the stork.

  4. You know else is pooped out thanks to my Petey B? You guessed it right again all you hater potaters…my unbleached elastic starfish!

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