All the News That’s Fit to Fake – IOTW Report

All the News That’s Fit to Fake

New York Times wages noble fight against fake, bias-confirming news


The New York Times exposed the threat of fake news even before the election of Donald Trump two weeks ago, arguing that spreading faulty information is a threat to the Republic.

The paper highlighted alt-right conspiracy websites publishing outrageous lies masquerading as news in a piece headlined“Journalism’s Next Challenge: Overcoming the Threat of Fake News.” The Times interviewed journalists and “longtime critic of fake news” Sen. Claire McCaskill (D., Mo.) about how credulous Americans often fall for narratives that confirm their pre-existing biases without proper vetting from objective reporters.

“If you have a society where people can’t agree on basic facts, how do you have a functioning democracy?” asked one D.C. editor.

The answer could be found on social media. “Folks, subscribe to a paper. Democracy demands it,” one Times reporter wrote. Another added, “Or don’t. You’ll get what you pay for.”

Times readers had the inside scoop that the nation was witnessing “Hispanics Surge to Polls,” which would serve as the mortar in Hillary Clinton’s blue wall. The surge would not have been possible without the Clinton campaign, which was “Looking to Expand Lead With Hispanics” through Spanish-language ads and get-out-the-vote operations, as the Times reported on Oct. 2.

The New York Times‘ report on “dangerously fake news” ran alongside a report that “Hispanic America has been mobilized like never before in the 2016 election, and is emerging as a formidable force with the power to elect a president.”

“Energized by anger at Mr. Trump and an aggressive Democratic campaign to get them to the polls, Latinos are turning out in record numbers and could make the difference in the outcome in several highly contested states,” the Times reported.

The Times did not just rely on shoe leather but on hard facts so often missing from fake news sites. Without data, those susceptible to fake news can be led astray, such as the Pennsylvania voters who insisted Trump would win the state—a belief shared only by those trapped in a “bubble of such devoted [Trump] followers.” If Trump supporters ventured outside of their bubble, they would have known that “Trump Can’t Count on Those ‘Missing White Voters.’

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14 Comments on All the News That’s Fit to Fake

  1. Howdja like to be a supervisor at the NYTs when a mortgage broker asks if young applicant is likely to be employed by the NYTs the next few years?
    On second thought, if they made it to Supervisor at the Times, they’re pretty good at looking you square in the eyes and lying their heads off. Never mind.

  2. Is this the same NY Times that, not more than two weeks ago, had to promise to start reporting actual news based on actual facts, because the transparent propaganda they had been publishing over the course of the previous year had completely stripped the paper of even a facade of legitimacy?

    That NY Times?

  3. I observe once again that Trump may well have won because Soros underestimated the amount of voter fraud needed for HRC to win.

    If so, then “fake news” has been very good to us.

  4. Here are TODAY’s NYT Trump bashing editorials (no change in biased mission):
    – The Wrong Target – “Donald Trump should speak up against dangerous white nationalists instead of admonishing the cast of “Hamilton.”
    – Mexico Doesn’t Have to Appease Trump. It Can Fight Back.
    – Brooks: Try a Little Listening
    – Don’t Retreat into Fortress America

  5. “The Times interviewed journalists and “longtime critic of fake news” Sen. Claire McCaskill (corrupt) about how credulous Americans often fall for narratives that confirm their pre-existing biases without proper vetting from objective reporters.”
    Did these reporters vet barack, bill, hillary, or any cabinet appointees? sotomayor?

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