All The People Who Should Be Embarrassed About The Latest Hunter Biden News, Ranked – IOTW Report

All The People Who Should Be Embarrassed About The Latest Hunter Biden News, Ranked

Geller Report:

This was perfidy. Election interference high crimes. A lot of powerful people have a lot to answer for.

Biden’s Strenuous Defenses Of Son Hunter Inadvertently Make The Case For A Special Counsel

All The People Who Should Be Embarrassed About The Latest Hunter Biden News, Ranked

Two months after the New York Post published its series of exposés on Hunter Biden, new information has revealed a lot of people with a lot to be embarrassed about.

By Tristan Justice, The Federalist, December 18, 2020lass=”entry-content long clearfix”>

A lot of powerful people have a lot to be embarrassed about.

Last week, President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team released a statement acknowledging the existence of an investigation under the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office probing Hunter Biden’s tax affairs. The investigation joins a broader probe examining Hunter’s finances underway by the securities fraud unit in the Southern District of New York, reported by Politico, and another targeting James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, in Pennsylvania related to a series of hospital deals.

The existence of ongoing federal investigations targeting Hunter Biden was first reported in October, days before the November election. Content surfaced on an abandoned Delaware laptop implicating Joe Biden in his son’s potentially criminal overseas business dealings.

Democrats dismissed the revelations as pure Russian disinformation, offering their allies in the corporate media an excuse to ignore the news they’re responsible for reporting when not delegitimizing the idea of Biden family corruption altogether. read more

13 Comments on All The People Who Should Be Embarrassed About The Latest Hunter Biden News, Ranked

  1. I commend you MJA on your use of “perfidy”. It is not a common word, but it does accurately describes what the Biden crime family (I think they took lessons from Hillary).

    We are supposed to believe that Creepy Uncle Joe will be a good president, or more accurately, Kamalaka Ding-Dong will really support true crimes and misdemeanors? Not holding my breath

  2. Embarrassed, are you kidding? Emboldened is more accurate.

    The Biden crime family, the FBI cartel, and select social media kingpins are all laughing at us, they know that justice means what they say it means, nothing more.

    They control the levers of power, get used to it.

  3. Should be, but:

    But wait. It gets worse.

    When DNs are confident that they have enough power, be it over a small group of people (family members, co-workers, social circle, cult), or on a macro scale, such as in a government, large corporation, or The Church, they will become progressively more bold and VISIBLE in their crimes in order to generate ever-higher amounts of diabolical narcissistic satisfaction.

    Now here is where it gets interesting. For DNs, the commission of their crimes and malefactions themselves are NOT the most potent source of diabolical satisfaction. No – the real rush, the “high” that they crave more than anything is THE GETTING AWAY WITH IT. Specifically, DNs luxuriate in watching other people, whether it be out of fear or sycophancy, pretend to not see, or better yet lie to cover, or even better yet, positively defend and justify, their crimes.

    Having planned and fantasized about his malevolent actions, the DN will watch and study those around him in the aftermath. Every instance of “looking the other way” the DN sees gives him an even more intense rush, because to look away from his crimes is to capitulate and submit to him – an even more complete capitulation than the actual victim. Every lie that a sycophant tells to cover for the DN is a rush. Every groveling justification made on the DNs behalf for the DNs unjustifiable, or even criminal behavior, is like the rush of a drug – and far more psycho-spiritually potent than the initial act itself.

  4. These people have no morals. Embarrassed? Doubtful. They’ll be complaining how inconvenienced they are about all the unwanted attention. They’ll claim “Elitist Victim Status” and the Presstitutes will do a few “insighful” interviews to make them appear better than the sub-human slime they are… and it will all fade away…. people will write books about what is happening right now.

  5. A teacher goes around her class asking each of the kids what they need at home.
    Joey says, “A computer.”
    The teacher replies, “That would be very useful.”
    Jenny says, “A new lawn mower.”
    The teacher again replies, “That would also be very useful.”
    Little Johnny pops up and says, “At my house we don’t need anything!”
    The teacher asks him to think again carefully, as everybody needs something.
    Little Johnny replies, “No I’m sure we don’t. When Biden was elected, I clearly remember my dad saying, ‘Well, that’s the last fucking thing we needed!'”


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