All The Russia Collusion Clues Are Beginning To Point Back To John Brennan – IOTW Report

All The Russia Collusion Clues Are Beginning To Point Back To John Brennan

The evidence suggests John Brennan’s CIA and the intelligence community did much more than merely pass on details to the FBI. It suggests they fabricated events completely.


Last weekend, NBC News reported that the Justice Department’s probe into the origins of the Russia collusion investigation is now focusing on the CIA and the intelligence community. NBC News soft-peddled this significant development by giving former CIA Director John Brennan a platform (a pen?) to call the probe “bizarre,” and question “the legal basis for” the investigation. Politico soon joined the spin effort, branding the investigation Attorney General William Barr assigned to Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham “Trump’s vengeance.”

However, if the media reports are true, and Barr and Durham have turned their focus to Brennan and the intelligence community, it is not a matter of vengeance; it is a matter of connecting the dots in congressional testimony and reports, leaks, and media spin, and facts exposed during the three years of panting about supposed Russia collusion. And it all started with Brennan.

That’s not how the story went, of course. The company story ran that the FBI launched its Crossfire Hurricane surveillance of the Trump campaign on July 31, 2016, after learning that a young Trump advisor, George Papadopoulos, had bragged to an Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer, that the Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton. This tip from Downer, when coupled with WikiLeaks’s release of the hacked Democratic National Committee emails and evidence of Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election, supposedly triggered the FBI’s decision to target the Trump campaign. read more

22 Comments on All The Russia Collusion Clues Are Beginning To Point Back To John Brennan

  1. When writing on paper or a blank screen, early changes are easy. After a few hundred pages changes become a nightmare. In real time a complicated setup plan, with already activated players must be a major headache to change about, unless you have a huge staff working with you to keep things on course in the direction you want to go. I expect Brennan must have had many hands and minds to keep it from veering off, and safely contained.

  2. This guy reminds me of every miserable prick I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting. Just his look and demeanor would have me asking the waitress for a different table.

  3. When it comes to my short list of loathing for aggressive, vicious govt parasites, Brennan is #3 (Barky is #1, H-Rod is #2).

    When he scowls, which he does frequently, he looks as though he just sucked cock and tasted shit.

  4. “Is Brennan going to take one for the team, or rat out his bosses?”

    Do ANY of them ever take one willingly for the team? And IMO, the higher they are, the less likely that will happen.

  5. Uncle Al,

    “When he scowls, which he does frequently, he looks as though he just sucked cock and tasted shit.”

    I’m afraid to ask how you’d know what that look exactly is. 😉

  6. At some point fleeing to a non-extradition country would be their only hope, and from what I’ve seen the closer to it happening the closer they will stay by the airport. So they should all be watched.
    It’s nice to see their world coming apart.

  7. The ideal end to all this would be Obama being indicted, and then him fleeing to Kenya demanding asylum as a Kenyan citizen, and his lawyer presenting a valid Kenyan birth certificate to prove he deserved the protection.

  8. Brennan has worked to suppress the serfs for their
    “betters” since appointed 8/04! Bad that so many Americans are so poor they could not afford “to take out their wallets AND PAY ATTENTION back in ’04!

  9. It wouldn’t up set me one itsy bitsy bit if Brenna is given the opportunity for an offer he can’t refuse to be involuntary transgendered to Joanna Brennan to appease his prison cell mates.

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