All This For a Flag… – IOTW Report

All This For a Flag…

via The Reagan Ranch

…Conservative version.


Happy Independence Day!

21 Comments on All This For a Flag…

  1. Never saw that picture before now. Beautiful! I doubt we will ever get another President who will be moved enough to do that again. I pity those under 40 who have not been taught the respect this Flag so richly deserves. I’m sure there are those who have been taught, but they are in the minority.
    God Bless America.

  2. I do that sometimes when I retire the Colors each and every night. So dearly, do I love this country. The government? Eh, not so much.

    America had a good run.
    Let’s see if we can bring her back!

  3. There should be a coin made with President Reagan on the ‘Heads’ side and ‘Barry the Tranny Trainer’ on the ‘tails’ side.
    This coin should be used for all simple games of chance and light decision making, and as a reminder of the difference between a ‘Man’ and a onesy wearing Sissy-Man.
    The Reagan side should be made of a fine pure metal of demonstrable strength and hardness, whose image will never fade, and will remain clear for generations, with a light, shining surface indicative of it’s quality.
    The Tranny Trainer side can be of any base or pot metal, its soft exterior losing it’s ersatz shine quickly, it’s inferior mettle marred by tarnish, and the image fading quickly by the mere exposure to the harsh cloth of reality.

  4. Is it just me, or did anyone else notice?
    When Eric Holder took over the Department of Justice he changed the masthead of the office from red, white, and blue to black. Inscribed in white and gold lettering are the words: “The common law is the will of Mankind issuing from the Life of the People.”
    These words are not in the Constitution, but have something to do with International law.
    Now, the new 49 cent forever stamp is black, with a burst of firecrackers, and Old Glory limping sadly to the left. To me it looks , well, dreary.

    How I miss Ronald Reagan’s America.

  5. “All this for a flag.” IIRC, is attributed to Manchelle Alinksy Hussein Obama. The fagg hag and her manboy are like Ebola symptoms with the main disease infecting over half the body politic.

    On a better note, Reagan was my first Presidential vote. Will always be proud of that decision.

  6. @J Frank, Moose famously uttered those words, but she included the word “damn”. And she said it with disdain.

    She’d probably pose for a photo similar to this one of RR, but she’d be using the flag to wipe the wagyu beef juice off her huge piehole.

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