Alleged Florida drug dealer jailed after West Point cadets O D on spring break – IOTW Report

Alleged Florida drug dealer jailed after West Point cadets O D on spring break


Florida cops have arrested an alleged drug dealer they say sold the fentanyl-laced cocaine to several West Point cadets who overdosed during a spring break trip this week.

Axel Giovany Casseus, 21, was jailed Saturday in lieu of $50,000 bail, Local10 News reported.

After identifying Casseus, an undercover police officer was successfully able to purchase 43 grams of cocaine from him for $1,000, according to an arrest report, the network reported.

While in custody, Casseus admitted to selling drugs to the West Point cadets and his phone contained correspondence with them, authorities said.

“Four cadets were taken to hospital. Of the six people involved, one person was not taken to hospital, and one was not a cadet. Five USMA cadets in total were involved. Two of the cadets remain hospitalized,” a West Point spokesman told The Post Saturday. read more

16 Comments on Alleged Florida drug dealer jailed after West Point cadets O D on spring break

  1. Oh, we get all bent out of shape when some West Point Cadets get zonked on some shit… some shit those West Point Cadets purchased and indulged…

    Oh well.

  2. I don’t know what cocaine costs. I was thinking he deliberately spiked their dope because they were crakerlicious cadets.

    Also at a loss why Tyler or Justin bought coke from this guy. It’s not even a race thing. The mo-fo looks shady as hell. Just something to think about while at Arizona State or Florida or wherever you wind up getting your degree at.

    One more reason to FLY NAVY.

  3. Funny we have a video of Sunset Strip, CA on iotw tonite.
    The only time I tried coke was THERE!
    It was the late 80’s and I was working out there.
    Had a wild night and the next day found myself and boss(!) at some chicks apartment.
    She was walking around in red panties, I vividly remember that.
    I tried a little of her coke.
    It felt incredible until hours later when my heart raced to the point I thought it would explode.
    My resting heart rate is 45, it was likely 4 times that.
    Never touched it since…

    I’m not even telling the crazy part of that night…no sir!
    Nope nope nope…aint going to either!

  4. Duty, Honor, Country.

    America’s fentanyl-addled military will kick Russia’s vodka-soused military’s ass and make change for a ruble while doing an Irish jig.


  5. Yeah, it’s HIS fault the dope-heads bought his dope.
    He’s in the can and they’re in Hospital being babied.
    Coke was ~$100/g back when, and about $2,000/oz (~28 g/oz – bulk discount).
    Never bought Fentanyl.
    Have no idea what it goes for now, but with inflation and the gov’t subsidizing it, that seems cheap.

    The chinks execute dealers out of hand and put the dope-heads in mandatory re-hab that lasts some 21 months – if they fail the re-hab they’re executed. Seems a bit harsh. The chinks don’t like that dope interferes with their slave labor.
    I’m not sure what our excuse is – we have plenty of parasites and encourage more – going so far as to import them (and the drugs) from mexico and other points south.

    Schizophrenic policies.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The EMTs used fentanyl on me when they gave me a fast ride to the hospital when I was run over.

    I don’t recall the “high” of it, but my ankle pain was somewhat tolerable after getting it.

    The good stuff, as far as I’m concerned, is the ketamine they gave me when they put my foot back into position in the emergency room. Way before the operation to fix the smushed ankle. The top of my foot was against my shin!

    That stuff was trippy. You feel like you aren’t really attached to your body any more. They had to do the MRI over because of the shake I gave myself to feel re-attached to it. It was a struggle – like sleep paralysis. When you’re asleep, but you’re aware of it and can’t move. Once I confirmed I could move if I wanted to, I relaxed and enjoyed the trip in silence.

    When I read about people stealing only that drug, I could only nod my head in understanding.

    LSD and Peyote move over, ketamine is here.

  7. @ Tim – FJB MARCH 13, 2022 AT 7:58 AM

    I think the point was to get it off the streets before he kills someone.

    I’m hoping all the cadets are thrown out and barred from serving in the armed forces.

    Imagine what else you can get away with if you aren’t held accountable for buying and using street drugs before becoming an officer in the armed forces.

    Thanks for showing us your dangerous stupidity, guys. You can always apply to be a troll anonymous commenter. That seems to pay well, but you have to be an ******* all the time and you probably have to sell your soul to the devil.

  8. Morphine for me. Gall Bladder attack; the worst pain I had ever felt, worse than my Kidney stone. I was in the fetal position on my hands and knees when my sister took me to the ER. I told the doctor that I didn’t care what they did to me, just do it.

    Then I started to feel the warm glow of peace and comfort. Yeah, drug induced, but at that time, I didn’t care. I told the doctor that I was ok and I can go now (yes, I was being facetious). He laughed.

    I was given Vicodin in an IV after my hip surgery just before I was released. I don’t remember much of the ride home, but I know that I wasn’t making any sense and my sister said she and my BIL still laugh about it. They gave me an Rx for it and I only took 1/2 pill. Hated not being in control of my mind. I can tolerate most pain as long as my mind is working right!


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