Alleged NYC Terrorist Got To US Through Chain Migration – IOTW Report

Alleged NYC Terrorist Got To US Through Chain Migration

DC: The alleged perpetrator behind a Monday bombing attack in New York City benefited from chain migration.

Akayed Ullah, 27, is the alleged perpetrator in the attack that left four, including him, wounded. Ullah is from Bangladesh and has lived in the U.S. since 2011.

Department of Homeland Security spokesman Tyler Houlton tweeted that Ullah is a “Lawful Permanent Resident from Bangladesh who benefited from extended family chain migration.”  more

14 Comments on Alleged NYC Terrorist Got To US Through Chain Migration

  1. If this guy is on the operating table at Bellevue, then first of all, castrate the bastard.
    Secondly, insert a chip somewhere (like they do for dogs), so we always know the whereabouts of this ‘lone wolf’. Put it in a place where he can never find it.

  2. Thank you democRATS. You are the ones advocating for these people to be let in the country. People who hate us and want to kill us. You are doing a great job of destroying American culture.

  3. Terrorists are non-uniformed combatants.
    They deserve nothing.
    He should be interrogated, then shot.
    His relations should go through the wringer and if found complicit or informed of his predilections, they should leave America penniless to the last cousin.

  4. When will the media stop asking how and where these muslims got “radicalized” and admit the truth- Islam is a barbaric, psychopath worshipping cult. Mohammed is perceived as the “perfect being” and all are taught to emulate him, just as Christians are taught to emulate Christ.

    Of course, Mohammed was a murdering, intolerant pedophile.

    That is what the left colludes to import.

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