Alleged ‘port-a-potty’ rape throws harsh glare on California coed prison law after SF recall – IOTW Report

Alleged ‘port-a-potty’ rape throws harsh glare on California coed prison law after SF recall


The recall of Chesa Boudin, perhaps the most progressive district attorney in America, in response to rampant crime and squalor in San Francisco may spur California voters to review the consequences of their other electoral choices.

Female inmates at the California Correctional Facility for Women (CCFW) said an anatomically male transfer raped a woman in a “port-a-potty” last month and threatened to rape others, according to an inmate declaration in a constitutional challenge to a California law that lets prisoners choose their gender identity for placement purposes.

Sen. Scott Weiner (D) sponsored SB 132, which passed both legislative chambers with about 3-to-1 support and backing by the California ACLU affiliate. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed it into law in fall 2020, and it took effect the following January.

The gender-critical Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) is representing four female inmates, two of whom allege transgender transfers assaulted them.  more here

13 Comments on Alleged ‘port-a-potty’ rape throws harsh glare on California coed prison law after SF recall

  1. it isn’t just this DA. The individuals who voted to put this guy in office, also vote to enact the policies that result in these acts becoming more common. They did so knowing full well that they were voting to enable this kind of shit. The live vicariously through the individuals that are active participants and they live vicariously through these individuals. Who, by the way, they don’t sincerely sympathize with or have any empathy for other than to the the degree they identify with them. When these monsters are incarcerated, or receive punishment they deserve the individuals who voted intentionally to enable them know that they too participated. They are incapable of sincerity when it comes to empathy or compassion for the innocent victims. They lack any capacity for those emotions when it comes to anyone who is not acting on their behalf, carrying out the acts they too would do if they were not too cowardly to pull them off on their own. The empathy or sympathy they express is never more than unvarnished virtue signaling, designed to deflect attention from the roll they have played and provide them with what they see as plausible deniability for the acts they are responsible for.

  2. Liberals seem to have lost their humanity and feel no sympathy for anything but their agenda. These female inmates may have committed horrific crimes. We don’t know what they did. But they don’t deserve this.

  3. @Toenex: How do you rape someone in a porta-potty? A young man (9 yo) from my town, was with Mom traveling to a Little League tournament. They stopped at a park with porta-potties. When the kid failed to return to the car, Mom went looking for him and they found him dead in the porta-potty, strangled and molested. It was a blow to our community. I refuse to use a porta potty anywhere. A rock or a bush works for me.

  4. Sen. Scott Weiner (D)?
    If you have a weiner, you go to men’s prison. If you don’t have a weiner, you go to women’s prison.
    “Oh, I wish I was an Oscar Mayer weiner..”

  5. Goldenfox, I also won’t use a porta-potty. Many years ago attending a homecoming game at West Point I strolled into the Buffalo Soldiers (closest clubhouse available) meeting and requested the use of the ladies room, even though there were porta-pottys nearby. Ahh relief … Gave them a heartfelt salute and got a laugh and a no problem , ma’am. Love our West Point cadets, such gentlemen.

  6. Genipero June 10, 2022 at 3:20 pm

    Goldenfoxx – Was that monster ever caught?

    I don’t know. I didn’t follow up on the story. His grandparents live down the road from me. I’ll spend a little time looking for the story – it’s been many years now.

  7. Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk June 10, 2022 at 2:18 pm

    ^^^@Goldenfoxx: A rock works better. It’s hard to bash a pervert’s head in with a bush.

    I’ll reword it to read: a boulder or a bush. 🙂

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