Alleged Source For Steele Dossier Sets Up $1 Million Fundraiser – IOTW Report

Alleged Source For Steele Dossier Sets Up $1 Million Fundraiser

DC: An alleged source for the Steele dossier is seeking $1 million in an online fundraiser to combat “the Deep State” and “fake news consortium.”

Sergei Millian, a Belarusian-American businessman, set up the fundraiser on GoFundMe.

“Most of the pertinent details stay hidden from public view by a well-organized campaign of disinformation, twisting facts, and/or purely inaccurate reporting,” Millian wrote in a vaguely worded pitch that does not mention the dossier.

Millian has been identified as a source for some of the most salacious allegations made in the dossier, which was written by former British spy Christopher Steele and funded by the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee (DNC). As “Source D” and “Source E” in the dossier, Millian is behind the claim that the Kremlin has blackmail material on President Donald Trump. According to the recent book “Russian Roulette,” Millian unwittingly spoke to a source who was working for Steele as part of his investigation into Trump’s ties to Russia.

Millian, who is chairman of an obscure trade group called the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce, has claimed in the past to have worked for the Trump Organization, the Trump family’s real estate company. He has said in previous interviews that he helped broker real estate deals on behalf of Trump’s company involving Russians.

But some in the Trump orbit have accused Millian of lying about his links to Trump. Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen has called Millian a “phony” who overstated his ties to Trumpworld.  more

3 Comments on Alleged Source For Steele Dossier Sets Up $1 Million Fundraiser

  1. First, get rich off corruption, graft and illegal activities and then start a ‘Go Fund Me’ to con others into paying for all the legal fees caused by said actions! What a world we live in!


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