‘Allen, Wake The F**k Up’: Protesters Harass Democrat DC Councilman’s House – IOTW Report

‘Allen, Wake The F**k Up’: Protesters Harass Democrat DC Councilman’s House

Daily Caller: Protesters gathered in front of what they claimed was a Washington, D.C. councilman’s home Thursday night to call for more substantial police reforms and budget cuts.

“Allen, wake the f**k up,” someone in the crowd of about 40 or 50 protesters yelled through a megaphone in front of a residence identified by protesters as the home of D.C. City Council Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Allen, according to a Daily Caller reporter on the scene.

The judiciary committee voted Thursday to reduce the Metropolitan Police Department’s (MPD) proposed 2021 budget by $15 million. Even with the cut, the proposed budget, reportedly introduced by Democratic Washignton, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser in mid-May, would still increase the MPD’s funding by $9 million overall. MORE HERE

11 Comments on ‘Allen, Wake The F**k Up’: Protesters Harass Democrat DC Councilman’s House

  1. I think these recent BLM/Pantyfa attacks on Democrats is just a head-fake, so Dems can say “hey, these rioters aren’t OUR people, it must be those pesky white supremists”

  2. I picked up on another item in the story, and it is one of my pet peeves. Only in government can an increase of $9M spent by a department be called a $15M cut because the plan was to increase spending by $24M

  3. To be fair, I don’t think anyone should be held hostage in their homes because of protestors. However, you should be held to the same rules as anyone else. Does anyone think Mr. Allen would have complained if people protested outside of a Republican’s house, or at least a house where a Republican currently resides? 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is coming to mind …


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