Allen West: Election Is Referendum On Obama’s Failures – IOTW Report

Allen West: Election Is Referendum On Obama’s Failures

DC: Former Congressman Col. Allen West calls the athletes expressing anti-Americanism “deplorable, despicable and disgusting.”

Specifically about NFL players, “When I look at these privileged, little, spoiled princes getting multi-million dollar contracts,” West wonders “what is it about America that has oppressed you?”

He couldn’t help but notice that on the opening day for the NFL, Commissioner Roger Goodell fined players $6,000 for honoring 9/11 on their cleats, while 49ers player Colin Kaepernick can wear socks depicting police as pigs without sanction.

West is the executive director of the National Council for Policy Analysis (NCPA), an author, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant  colonel and an outspoken former member of Congress with a massive following on his website and social media. He was in Washington recently for this exclusive video interview for The Daily Caller News Foundation.

3 Comments on Allen West: Election Is Referendum On Obama’s Failures

  1. ““When I look at these privileged, little, spoiled princes getting multi-million dollar contracts,” West wonders “what is it about America that has oppressed you?””

    That’s why I stopped watching this shit, national past time or not.
    Just do not start with: oh, common majority of those players are good people. I know, like majority of muslems are peace loving folks.;)

  2. I beg to differ, Allen. This election is a referendum on the undesirable common aims of the two establishment wings of the Incumbent Party. In other words, the “two party system” has finally been exposed as a one party system where it really counts: watering down American culture and values with incompatible immigrants, crony capitalism funneling govt megabucks to lazy business people who find more value in schmoozing and making campaign contributions than in providing superior goods and services in the marketplace, and setting up money and trade conduits to further suck the wealth out of American pockets to make crooked pols’ and their families’ Swiss gold vaults fill up.

  3. Uncle Al nailed it. He wins the Internets! (huh? WHAT?? Obama sold the Internets to Russia, China, North Korea, Castro, Khomeini and King Saud?! WTF??)

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