Almost 40% favor firing or suspending no-show teachers – IOTW Report

Almost 40% favor firing or suspending no-show teachers

Just The News:

Voters are closely split on how to respond to teachers who refuse to return to the classroom if schools are reopened for in-person learning.

In a new Just the Poll with Scott Rasmussen, a combined 39% favored suspending (21%) or firing (18%) no-show teachers, while 45% said they should be “allowed to stay home.”more

17 Comments on Almost 40% favor firing or suspending no-show teachers

  1. “teachers who refuse to return to the classroom if schools are reopened for in-person learning”

    There’s a typo here: these are NON-teachers.

  2. “African-Americans (58%) and Hispanics (59%) are much more likely than whites (40%) to favor allowing refusenik teachers to stay home and continue teaching remotely.”
    No surprise there.

  3. I was going to say the same thing, PATCO them just like Reagan did when he fired the air traffic controllers when they illegally went on strike in 1981. If the teachers don’t go back to work, fire their asses and hire real people who want jobs and want to work. No more leeches and parasites ever again.

  4. Three things cannot long be hidden, the sun, the moon and the truth. Public school is not about education, the Chicago teachers union has put the truth out in front of the people. The Chicago way- whatcha gonna do about it?

  5. Only 2 in 5 think someone should be held accountable for NOT doing its job?
    And fewer than 1 in 5 thinks the lazy worthless asshole should be fired?
    There was a time when refusal to do that which you were paid to do resulted in immediate termination (of employment, in this country, of your life under socialism). Which is only right: if you don’t want to do the job, you don’t want the job – and should be free to find another.

    It’s really no wonder that the World is so fucked up.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Fire all of them and if they want a job, they must apply for it just like applying for a new employer. Take a hard look at their teaching track record. I have met more teachers during this pandemic that will not go back to teaching. They say it’s no longer worth the effort to go into a class room and you cannot discipline a child. The home is no longer what it use to be.

  7. For someone who barely squeaked by to get a useless degree, teaching is the career of choice. They’re overcompensated for their ability and efforts, they lounge away several months a year while most people may get a week or two off, Their performance is judged strictly on their political views, and most are far dumber than their students.

  8. So when they are pushing the umpteenth referendum for higher property taxes for schools, “we must do it for the chillren” is another cynical meaningless slogan.

    Oh those rayciss Founding Fathers that tied suffrage to owning property (thus having a financial stake in community).

    It’s all good though, Buyden doesn’t know jack, but he is keen on overheating the printing presses at the Mint while Pelosi encourages him.

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