Alveda King Slams Elizabeth Warren For Playing “THE RACE CARD” – IOTW Report

Alveda King Slams Elizabeth Warren For Playing “THE RACE CARD”


Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece has reportedly slammed Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren for attempting to use a letter from Coretta Scott King to smear now-Attorney General Jeff Sessions last night.

“It’s almost like a bait and switch – stir up their emotions, use the name of King… play the race card, which she was attempting to do,” said Dr. Alveda King to Fox Business’ Neil Cavuto earlier today.

Dr. King went on to suggest that Senator Warren was taking her aunt’s letter completely out of context.

“In that letter, she would be referring to perhaps some of his comments,” she said. “However, she would agree today that he of course ended some school [segregation].”

“He worked to prosecute members of the KKK. Aunt Coretta was a very reasonable woman, and she, with integrity, would have noted that he had done some great work in fighting discrimination.”  MORE

9 Comments on Alveda King Slams Elizabeth Warren For Playing “THE RACE CARD”

  1. I continually refer to Warren as Fauxahontas in political discussions with my colleagues, who are very liberal. One of them got very upset and instructed me to stop talking about Warren lying about being native American for personal gain – it was old news – and something I refuse to quit doing.

    As Warren attempts to move her career forward and upward, it will be both old news and current news. Whatever it takes to push that old bat back into the fringe left and out of the national spotlight is fair game. Warren isn’t afraid to use race, even if she has to lie about it, when it benefits her, and it is fair game to use these tactics to destroy her national career. And when progressives are talking about racial matters, they are usually lying anyway.

  2. But Democrats think they OWN minorities, just as their ancestors once did, hence the appropriation of their heroes for their own smarmy political ends.

    Or, put another way, any blond/blue Aryan from Oklahoma who passes herself off as a blanket Indian to a bunch of New England elites to gain minority status and minority benefits ain’t above subverting the words or works anyone else to advance her own agenda.

    Hell, a 1/32 Cherokee in Oklahoma is no more remarkable or rare than a freakin’ pumpjack or a OU/OSU bumper sticker.

    FRAUD and LIAR.

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