Always look on the dark side of life – IOTW Report

Always look on the dark side of life

Citizen Free Press:

Pelosi Statement on June Jobs Report.

San Francisco – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after the Department of Labor reported that the unemployment rate jumped in June and wage growth slowed.


“June jobs numbers show what is at stake from the brewing storm of rising health costs, spiraling trade uncertainty and an economy being hollowed out to enrich big corporations and the wealthiest 1 percent.


“Six months after receiving their windfall from the GOP tax scam for the rich, Corporate America is on track to spend $1 trillion on dividends and stock buybacks, while announcing tens of thousands of layoffs, refusing to give workers a raise and raising costs for families.  MORE

8 Comments on Always look on the dark side of life

  1. Her next job can be cleaning the streets in San Francisco of used needles and fecal remains from druggies who were so high they had no idea of where to find a restroom.

  2. All I can think when I read this is of Eric Idle singing cheerily and whistling Always Look On The Bright (Dark) Side Of Life while he’s nailed to a cross next to Brian in Monty Python’s The Life Of Brian. And Larry vamoose, skedaddle, quit trolling us with all your so called enlightened edjamacation.

  3. “The few people able to survive such abysmal job report will, surely, succumb when North Korea attacks us from their secret third nuclear plant.”
    “Resist we much!”

  4. When did dividends and stock buybacks become a bad thing? Buybacks is paying off debt. And a raise to stockholders, many who work for the company itself! What a loon!

  5. The National Lampoon once did a parody of a Soviet Union report extolling how all the five-year plan goals had been exceeded – except all the actual facts in the parody report proved just the opposite. Like one of their real reports only funnier because it was so obvious.

    Nancy Pelosi has taken that idea and turned it on it’s head to say everything is awful.

    If only the 1970’s NatLamp were still around to poke fun at Pelosi.

  6. Why is there not a reboot of the “The Meaning of Life?” Michael Moore as Mr. Creosote is a shoe in! Ooh, sorry Michael is too busy being ungrateful to the country he was borne in with the right to become a self hating worthless obese waste of trash mistaking the 1st amendment for an excuse to explain his failure in himself . Here Michael, have a mint!


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