If you feel like they’re lying to you, they are.
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If you feel like they’re lying to you, they are.
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If their lips are moving, they are lying to you. Always, always
Truthy Tucker Teaches
Always trust your gut
No truer words were ever said. How many times have you told yourself “I should have listened to myself.” I wonder how many of those self-talkers talked themselves into getting a death jab? No do overs.
He said LuckyGunner.com for ammo. I went there and they seem to have good prices.
They are Satan’s disciples: they can do naught but lie.
If they state a fact, it is a distortion or half-fact, and it is spoken to trip you up into believing the lie that follows.
Mostly they lie through deflection and omission – we still haven’t heard much about the Satanic murderess Audrey Hale and her pernicious fellow perverts or the counter-attacks in Dublin or the atrocities the Palestinians have inflicted on Israel.
(I am not affiliated with any of them)
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …