Alyssa Milano: OH12 loss is Russia’s fault !!!11! – IOTW Report

Alyssa Milano: OH12 loss is Russia’s fault !!!11!

Patriot Retort: The special election for OH12 was yesterday and Republican Troy Balderson won by 1,766 votes.

Democrats, of course, are blaming it on the Green Party Candidate who prevented Democrats Danny O’Connor from winning because of his eleven hundred votes.


But eleven hundred votes is fewer than the number of votes Balderson won by.

I know math is hard.

Any old how.

Of course, we all know those Green Party voters weren’t really registered voters in OH12.


They were Russians.



You know what sucks?

Because of our unwillingness to pass policy that protects our election integrity, I immediately think the Green Party votes tonight are Russian meddling.

Why else would anyone cast a protest vote in Ohio when there’s so much at stake?

Wow, Alyssa. Way to have your finger on the pulse of … well, your boobs apparently.

And who better to blow the lid off the Russians who traveled to OH12 to throw the election for Balderson than a woman who poses while squeezing her breasts?  read more

17 Comments on Alyssa Milano: OH12 loss is Russia’s fault !!!11!

  1. We need to sit this bitch in a large locked room sitting at a table. On the table are several loaded firearms. Then we need to introduce a very large angry Brown Bear. Let’s see whats up.

  2. Clinton won because of Perot, it happens, get over it, I think Perot had earlier ancestors from another planet but obviously from a smarter more prosperous planet than this pathetic Green Party candidate

  3. Don’t worry ignoramous, the demoncrats are working hard to have voting statistics like the district in GA that had a 243% turnout, on Tuesday. Neat trick. And it wasn’t the ‘he-did-it’ Russians!

  4. She’s an idiot. Meantime, the foot soldiers are engaging in another round of the formerly non-existent amazing appearing ballots. Stay tuned for “updated results”.

  5. Sounds like it’s time to clean up the voter rolls, remove all the dead and Russian impostors. Voter I.D.’s and pictures.
    You want it now don’t you.
    Take your little act to Georgia and spew about illegal votes.


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