AMAC: Trump Is Right – We Should Eliminate Taxes on Social Security – IOTW Report

AMAC: Trump Is Right – We Should Eliminate Taxes on Social Security


Former President Donald Trump’s proposal to eliminate taxes on Social Security income has sparked a renewed debate about the benefits that millions of Americans rely on and could be a major factor in deciding the all-important senior vote this election.

In a Truth Social post on July 31, Trump wrote, “SENIORS SHOULD NOT PAY TAX ON SOCIAL SECURITY!” He has since followed that up with a specific pledge to work to eliminate taxes on Social Security income if he is re-elected in November. more here

19 Comments on AMAC: Trump Is Right – We Should Eliminate Taxes on Social Security

  1. Maybe even pull it out of the General Fund, and restore it back to its own SocSec fund. (thx, LBJ ya rat bastard!)
    Maybe even put a fund manager in charge of this new SocSec fund, to invest and grow it above the inflation rate.
    BUT…..index this fund manager’s pay to the growth of the SocSec fund.
    No growth above inflation? Manager gets base pay (saaaay, $75K). No bonus. NO stock options.
    Lose money? Deduct pay.

  2. As a senator, Old Joe voted to make SS benefits taxable income, then he voted to increase the taxable amount from 50% to 85%. But he always says that Republicans are the ones who want to take away Social Security. What a lying sack of shit. FJB

  3. I would appreciate SS payments equal what illegal immigrants are receiving.
    I’ve paid into SS for 60 years, MILLIONS of Illegal immigrants never paid into SS, yet they receive an amount more than my SS Check, in addition, medical, housing and food allowance.

    Of course deporting Illegal Immigrants would negate my concern. Just Do It !

  4. So the taxpayers pay up front for ss when it is deducted from their paychecks, then get taxed again when receiving ss payments. So taxpayers get screwed fore and aft by pernicious federal gangsters. This sucks.

  5. If it polls well, Harris will take it as her own.

    Trump gets precious little positive air time on the MSM, so few undecided voters and hardly any Dem voters will know or care that he proposed it first. She did it before. She’ll do it again.


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