Amash stops exploring presidential bid – IOTW Report

Amash stops exploring presidential bid

“After much reflection, I’ve concluded that circumstances don’t lend themselves to my success as a candidate for president this year, and therefore I will not be a candidate,” he tweeted Saturday.
[Liberty Unyielding]

9 Comments on Amash stops exploring presidential bid

  1. I reckon he’ll have enough problems in his district given his perfidy. His family owns Tekton Tools. I do own several of there tools, but given his performance I no longer consider the brand when I plan future tool purchases.

  2. Well, dang. I was hoping for a flaming dive into the ground which would leave him in a flattened pile of goo.

    Maybe you can tell just how I detest this man who fooled many into thinking he was a true conservative. President Trump exposed the fraud and his betrayal of my precious vote will never ever be forgiven.

    (edit) Ok. I should state that I will pray for the man to have a Damascus Road conversion. But I still won’t forgive the betrayal.


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