Amazon Objects to Union’s Victory in Staten Island, Alleging Interference – IOTW Report

Amazon Objects to Union’s Victory in Staten Island, Alleging Interference

Newsmax: Inc. alleged, without providing evidence, that the union that Staten Island workers voted to join had threatened staff to vote in favor of organizing, as part of objections the retailer is filing to last week’s election.

The group, known as the Amazon Labor Union (ALU), dismissed the allegations as false and said it was confident they would be overruled.

The U.S. National Labor Relations Board on Thursday granted Amazon extra time to substantiate its objections, among them that the ALU interfered with workers waiting in line to vote, according to filings.
Read Newsmax: Amazon Objects to Union’s Victory in Staten Island, Alleging Interference |
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9 Comments on Amazon Objects to Union’s Victory in Staten Island, Alleging Interference

  1. WGAF?

    Close the location and let the fuckers wait an extra day for shit.
    Its not like store have anything in stock or could get you the shit any faster.

  2. Sorta like the war between Nazi Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – you hope they annihilate each other.

    No good guys in that fight – the “workers” get fucked either way.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Exactly the opposite is happening in Birmimgham. The workers have now voted twice and both times NOT to unionize. The union is saying Amazon influenced the workers so they might have to vote again

  4. I don’t like unions, but they would be very bad for the Bezos slave empire of evil, so here’s hoping the whole company unionizes. They’ll be out of business almost overnight, but they deserve it.


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