Amazon Patents System to Put Employees in Cages – IOTW Report

Amazon Patents System to Put Employees in Cages

Breitbart Tech: Amazon received a patent in 2016 for a system which would place employees in cages to maintain robots.

According to the Boston Herald, “Illustrations that accompany the patent, which was granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark office in 2016, show a cage-like enclosure around a small work space sitting atop the kind of robotic trolleys that now drive racks of shelves around Amazon warehouses.”

“Amazon says it never implemented the technology and has no plans to, but the design appeared to be an effort to allow humans to safely enter robot-only zones in Amazon’s highly-automated depots to make repairs or pick up dropped objects,” they explained.

Despite owning the patent, Amazon currently has no plans to use such a system, according to a spokesman, who claimed speculation about the patent was “misguided.”  Keep reading

13 Comments on Amazon Patents System to Put Employees in Cages

  1. That would be to protect the employee. Fanuc use to be the largest Robotics manufacturer. I speak fluent G and M code. Live it. Pick and place stuff. All cool. Now we have all these AI companies coming out with killer robots.

  2. Loco/Bad_Brad

    Brothers at last. Born and raised on Fanuc controllers. Love them. There’s no better controller on the market, from servos to steppers, to computer. I have a Mori Horizontal mill that will circular interpolate a diameter within .0002. That’s all Fanuc.


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