Amazon’s “magical” AI grocery store technology exposed—it was actually 1,000 Indians – IOTW Report

Amazon’s “magical” AI grocery store technology exposed—it was actually 1,000 Indians

Revolver: There’s this meme that’s been cracking everyone up online. It jokes that AI isn’t some next-level tech marvel. Instead, picture this: 5,000 people in India, just sitting around, answering all our queries. It’s a funny take on the whole AI scene and pokes fun at the idea that maybe, just maybe, the big players like Big Tech, Big Pharma, and the government are pulling one over on us. And there’s this TikTok video that nails the humor perfectly.

This meme, as hilarious as it is, turns out to be not so far from the truth, and those who chuckled at the idea might just be onto something. You’ve probably heard about those Amazon Go stores, right? The ones that promised a futuristic shopping experience where you could just grab what you need and walk out, no checkout required—all thanks to what was touted as cutting-edge AI technology. Well, plot twist

10 Comments on Amazon’s “magical” AI grocery store technology exposed—it was actually 1,000 Indians

  1. I lost my VA/FHA licensed underwriting job in 2022. Biden comes into office and then, the Jew mortgage company owners can hire unlicensed Indian mortgage underwriters. Thousands of Americans were laid off.

  2. Indians following you around the store, spying on you. That’s as creepy as the department store spy booths behind the mirrors in the “columns” in Sears, Penney’s, Hechts, etc. back in the 70s.

  3. Hey Amazon
    Your “Just Walk Out” program can’t compete with the analog version on display in major cities every damned day.
    The Five-Finger Discount reigns supreme with the urban mobs.


    2016) Amazon GO announced
    2017) Amazon acquired Whole (Whore) Foods
    2018) First Amazon GO opened
    2024) Amazon terminates Amazon GO program without moving Whole Foods to it.

    At some point between 2017, (or 2018) and 2024, one would expect that journalists would have asked why Amazon GO technology had NOT been implemented at Whole Paycheck, (errr Foods.)


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