Ambassador Spicoli – IOTW Report

Ambassador Spicoli

Noted Ass-Kisser of Socialist Dictators Under Consideration
for Cuban Ambassadorship.
sean penn
MFNS – Middle Finger News sources inside the State Dept. have learned actor and long time butt kisser of the western hemisphere’s most notorious dictators, Sean Penn, is on a short list to be considered for a post as the first ambassador in over 50 years to the communist island paradise of Cuba.  more here

26 Comments on Ambassador Spicoli

  1. Oh my goodness. I had no idea who the photoed person was until I read the name.

    When I clicked on this link, I thought it was a “What did this perv do” quiz. Heck, if I met this slimy looking guy on the street, I’d grab my throw down twenty dollar bills so he would busy himself picking them up rather than harass me, and/or be ready to draw..

  2. He looks like he just got done enthusiastically motorboating a pimply, chapped, fat, sweaty unwashed, stinky anti-American, guerilla ass, puntuated with a highly spirited, skillfully done, salad tossing.

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