America-Bashing Brittney Griner Gets Even Worse News in New Biden Announcement – IOTW Report

America-Bashing Brittney Griner Gets Even Worse News in New Biden Announcement


Things are looking like they’re going from already quite bad to even worse for America-bashing WNBA player Brittney Griner, the professional basketball player that refused to appear on the court for the national anthem following the death of George Floyd.

Now that she’s been locked up for nine years and fined a million rubles for smuggling drugs into the Russian Federation (she was caught with a hashish oil vape in her luggage), her wife has warned that she could be sent to a labor camp, it might seem that things couldn’t get worse for her.

But they can: now, if we are to believe what President Joe Biden recently said, it looks like Brittney Griner is going to be stuck in Russia for a while longer. That’s because he told Jake Tapper that he doesn’t plan on meeting with Putin unless perhaps for the purpose of getting Griner released, which makes it seem like the two are on bad enough terms that nothing is going to be worked out for Griner any time soon. more

23 Comments on America-Bashing Brittney Griner Gets Even Worse News in New Biden Announcement

  1. Ain’t that funny?

    Now she will be forced to toil & pick crops in one of the most opposite countries to America in the world, where almost everyone else around her will be white.

  2. “her wife has warned that she could be sent to a labor camp, it might seem that things couldn’t get worse for her.”

    Wifey, start looking for a new buck husband, your current one is being sent off to do strong manly work in Siberia. I hear those Russian women of crime are some bad преступники (criminals). I sincerely hope that she comes back to America and appreciates what she left and will be humbled by her experience. God will forgive her if she repents….that’s her one and only hope if she embraces it.

  3. If she ever does make it back to the USA she’ll probably complain that it didn’t get her back sooner that it’s raciest and homophobic then demand reparations for lost income.

  4. Nine years seems excessive for such a small amount, but it’s their country their laws. And after bad mouthing our country she’s lucky she we even acknowledged her existence.

  5. Is it schadenfreude or just my Russian heritage that loves stories of long suffering and a bleak future, where no matter how bad it gets, it can always be worse.

  6. Hey, remember back when US-Russia relations were so good that the MSM was accusing Putin and Trump of being gay lovers? Now we are about to start lobbing nukes at each other. But it’s not Joey’s fault. BTW, where is the UN during all this war business…I thought it’s reason for existence was to prevent war. Isn’t that why we’ve been propping them up for the last 80 years?

  7. Gee, you’d think the American hater would be proud to be in Russia where they/them could prove what a devotee of communism they/them is, are, whatever. Forming proper sentences are hard nowadays with all these new-fangled pronounz & genderings.


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