America Has World’s Highest Rate of Single-Parent Households – IOTW Report

America Has World’s Highest Rate of Single-Parent Households


The United States has a higher share of single-parent households than 129 other countries, a recent analysis from the Pew Research Center reveals.

Twenty-three percent of U.S. children live with a single adult, Pew found, compared with an average of just 7 percent around the world. Of the 130 countries from which Pew obtained survey data, rates of single-parent households ranged from the low 20s in the United States and United Kingdom to as low as 1 or 2 percent in countries like Turkey and Afghanistan.

The report suggests that America’s record-high rate, a product of the steady decline in two-parent homes in the United States, is related to the move away from extended family structure in Western nations and toward a more isolated model for children and adults alike. The result is another part of the complicated story of family and marriage inequity in the United States. more here

20 Comments on America Has World’s Highest Rate of Single-Parent Households

  1. Well this one’s a gimme! Ya get whut ya pay for!
    For almost a half a century mothers have been getting paid for fatherless kidz!
    Hell, you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a welfare program of one sort or another!
    Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)
    Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
    Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    The Women, Infants and Children (WIC) food program
    Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
    Food stamps
    Child nutrition programs
    Public housing and Section 8 housing
    …and probably a half a dozen or so more of “Disenfranchised Community” initiatives!
    I can only imagine the impact on taxes if all this shit were just cut in half!!

  2. Higher than Chad, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Congo, Central African Republic, Ivory Coast, Niger, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Zaire, Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, Tanzania, South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Cameroon, Mali, Benin, Togo, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Liberia, Detroit, Los Angeles, New York, St. Louis, Chicago, and DC?

    I find that a little hard to believe.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. More than 70% of births to black mothers are nonmarital.

    Roughly 66% of births to “native American” mothers are nonmarital.

    More than half of births to “Hispanic” mothers are nonmarital.

    About 30% of births to white mothers are nonmarital.

    The steep climb in nonmarital births commenced following the 60s welfare and immigration laws changes, and abortion rights acts. Also coincides with post-hippy changes in public mores (arguably aided by liberal activism in the courts).

  4. US Legislature
    US Courts
    US Media companies (ie movies, tv, ‘lifestyle’ & celebrity magazines)
    US ‘journalism” (only recently labelled “Fake News”, but lying since 1900)

    Americans have been encouraged to behave this way & largely shielded from the consequences

  5. Because no one wants to grow up and be responsible. A large majority of young men think their wives should take over the job of their mother, except give them sex for doing nothing. If the woman has to work and be responsible for everything, why bother with marriage.

  6. @The-Mamomma December 16, 2019 at 6:16 pm

    And that’s why we need universal suffrage.

    (Oh, and proves Nobel Prize winner Barack Obama’s right — women should rule the world.)

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