America Is Not the Tenth Most Dangerous Country for Women, You Idiots! – IOTW Report

America Is Not the Tenth Most Dangerous Country for Women, You Idiots!

WFB: A number of news stories have covered a new study out today from The Thomson Reuters Foundation: did you know the United States is one of the ten most dangerous countries in the world to be a woman??

Truly, this survey is an indictment. But not of the United States, of the “experts” who responded to it.

The actual methodology is something of a joke. Rather than comparing statistics on sexual violence, contrasting government policy, or anything that would give us concrete, objective measurement to judge one country against another, Thomson Reuters Foundation polled 548 women’s rights experts across the globe and asked them their opinion on the most dangerous countries.

The experts weren’t completely crazy. The United States didn’t make the top ten lists when asked about women’s access to healthcare, discrimination, human trafficking, or dangerous cultural or religious practices. But the reason it ranked in the aggregate top ten was because the women’s right experts inexplicably ranked the United States as the third worst country in the world for Sexual Violence and the sixth worst for Non-Sexual Violence.

Per the geniuses they consulted, the United States is tied with Syria when it comes to sexual violence against woman, and trails only India and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The United States is apparently worse at combating sexual violence than the Republic of the Congo, South Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mexico, Nigeria, Egypt, and Somalia.

There are two things going on here. The first is that the provided definition of “sexual violence” is broad.  MORE

14 Comments on America Is Not the Tenth Most Dangerous Country for Women, You Idiots!

  1. America is the most dangerous country for big, fat blue/green/pink haired feminists.

    That’s my takeaway. Otherwise women are safer in the US than anywhere in the world.

  2. I only consider the source, Reuters? Recapping the rundown. Soros, Rothschild, Reuters, AP, Liberal Lazy MSM. Staying aware is one thing, but knowing the phony News propaganda globalist hierarchy is a must! Plus it makes it easier to filter for truth and not BS emotional opinion.

  3. “The United States is apparently worse at combating sexual violence than the Republic of the Congo, South Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mexico, Nigeria, Egypt, and Somalia.”

    That’s because the Republic of the Congo, South Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mexico, Nigeria, Egypt, and Somalia all send their wife-beaters here with their wives, who get beaten, naturally. But we all know the real problem is the white men who bully their wives and daughters into voting for Trump and his racist Ttavel Ban.

  4. Thomson Reuters is a Canadian company so I’m not surprised this sort of drivel comes out. I suspect that Lord Ken Thompson is spinning in his grave at what’s happened to his once proud newspaper and news empire. David Thompson the current family head is a hugely rich man so I guess he uses this foundation to prove to his cocktail parties pals that he really, really cares.

  5. @old_oaks June 27, 2018 at 10:36 am

    > America is the most dangerous country for big, fat blue/green/pink haired feminists.

    I thought I could just give you a “thumb up” for writing “it” for me. (Plus “FIRST!”) Then came…

    > Otherwise women are safer in the US than anywhere in the world.

    And realized I still got to pontificate. (Yay?) The greatest threat to women, and feminist men, is men who won’t fight one another for the opportunity to jump into the woodchipper of “serving feminism”, for great justice! That’s both a (minor) qualitative, and (major) quantitative, metric. In some countries you find enough aggressively anti-feminist men for them to be a “culture”. But those countries are always (population) small, and (almost always) poor. In some countries you find feminist resistant men. But (almost) none of those countries are large, nor are any of their gender wrongthink men “denying” the sisterhood significant national output. And then you have the rape culture called America… Where you have hundreds of millions of feminists, and hundreds of thousands (perhaps up to millions, now) of gender wrongthink men. In an environment where some of them could enrich the sisterhood as much as a (small?) town in many smaller countries. Who, collectively, could enrich the sisterhood as much as many of those smaller countries, as countries. But who refuse to puff up their chests, “man up” to those other manly mens in line before them, and make for that glorious woodchipper. The quantity in The United States is huge (because of national population), and the quality escaping is vast (because of national capacity). That can easily make USA the worst threat to women and feminist men. And guarantees a spot in the top ten (based on population, alone).

  6. How moronic is this? Any Muslim country, Mexico, India, or now European countries due to the “migrants” have phenomenally higher incidents of violence against women. And that’s just thinking off the top of my head.

  7. This is exactly the kind of retarded shit that makes people so goddamn sick of the left. Women are the majority of college graduates now by a 43% to 57% margin. Middle management in most corporations are 60% female. On my job, my boss is a woman… my bosses boss is a woman… my bosses boss boss, the VP, is a woman… and the president and CEO of our Fortune 100 company is a woman too. And I’m older than all of them.

    So, for anyone claiming the US isn’t anything other than the best goddamn place to be a woman that ever fucking existed in human history… FUUUUUUUCK YOOOOU… You goddamn liar. If you’re in the US and you still think your life sucks because you’re a woman in the US, then you’re only half right. It’s got nothing to do with being in the US. You’re just intrinsically worthless.

  8. Don’t forget – women are under attack in this country by nutjob leftist demoncrats.

    Three famous women were attacked this past week making the national news reports. It’s probably a safe bet that other women who are not known names are also under attack by the democrat nutjobs.


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