America Not to Blame for Mexico’s Problems – IOTW Report

America Not to Blame for Mexico’s Problems

American Thinker:

Regarding the current border crisis and problems in Mexico, if you ask many Latinos who come over to the U.S., and those who advocate on their behalf, they will tell you with a straight face that their country was ruined by the Mexican-American War of 1846-48, and that it was American Imperialism that destroyed Mexico and its economy. While we know that this is an excuse, the fact is, they believe the propaganda and both Mexicans and now Americans are now taught this propaganda.  But facts are stubborn things, and history is on our side. These lies are being taught in our universities and we need to combat them with the truth.  While the truth is not pretty, it justifies the Polk Adminstration in going to war with Mexico in 1846.

When Mexico received its independence from Spain in 1821, they planned on having a nation very similar to the U.S., with a system of independent semiautonomous states similar (if not quite the same) to what the United States originally were. The northernmost state of Tejas, was underpopulated, and by decree, the Mexican government made it open to anyone from the USA wanting to settle there. Cheap land doesn’t grow on trees, so Americans came there by the thousands. It worked very well, probably too well, and in the mid-1830s the Mexican government set aside this decree and called the northern border of Tejas secure – making it a crime for Americans to settle there.  But by that time, it was too late, and more and more white Americans were coming to what is now the United State of Texas.  read more

14 Comments on America Not to Blame for Mexico’s Problems

  1. We should have drawn the border from the southernmost tip of Texas to the southernmost tip of Baja. We would have much less of a border problem and picked up some good territory. An opportunity lost.

  2. So I guess today the Mexicans are just paying us back for the original illegal immigration
    that we pulled on them, huh?

    Why did those doggone Spaniards have to go and breed with Indians, anyway?


  3. >>In the early 1830s, a military despot named Santa Anna came to power, and shortly afterwards, abandoned the Mexican state system, concentrating most of the power into the capital city. Several of the Mexican states, including Yucatan and Tejas, rebelled against this naked power grab. <<

    Seems eerily similar to Lincoln's method of abandoning and attacking state sovereignty and concentrating power in Washington DC. in the 1860s.

  4. Fritz the Cat—-Actually, after the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo was signed, the entire peninsula of Baja California was also ceded to the USA. But because the mapmakers were undisputed idiots, they left it off the maps, and by the time the error was discovered, it was too late to correct and the USA had been cheated out of a good sized chunk of land.

  5. Now that I’ve stopped laughing, does the author really expect the universities to teach TRUTH? What fantasy land does John live in? ‘They don’t want no stinking truth’ taught to anyone.

  6. The question is did the American Indian tribes of the Southwest ever acknowledge the authority of either Spain or Mexico. The Spanish did conquer the Aztecs and the Incans, but my understanding is that Spain merely sent explorers into North America. Spain just claimed the land without recognizing that the Indians already lived there. Did the Indians ever pay tribute or taxes to Spain or Mexico? The U.S. fought wars with the Indians and signed treaties with them. So the U.S. actually dealt with the original owners. If the Indians never accepted Spanish rule, then this argument is absurd.


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