“America Under Siege: Soviet Islam” – IOTW Report

“America Under Siege: Soviet Islam”

BombThrowers: The next episode in Capital Research Center’s five-part “America Under Siege” webseries, “Soviet Islam,” releases April 28th on its YouTube channel and DangerousDocumentaries.com.

The film uncovers the secret history of how the Soviet Union used Islamists and dictators in the Middle East to further its objectives and how Vladimir Putin’s Russia continues this strategy today, endangering Americans and all freedom-loving peoples.

After World War II, the Soviet Union used Muslim intelligence assets to subvert neighboring Muslim-majority nations. Putin’s Russia continues to infiltrate Islamic communities around the world, including Chechnya, Iran, Syria, and Palestine, and also at home in the United States, where Islamists and communists have joined in an unlikely alliance.  MORE HERE

8 Comments on “America Under Siege: Soviet Islam”

  1. “Putin’s Russia continues to infiltrate Islamic communities around the world, including Chechnya, Iran, Syria, and Palestine, and also at home in the United States, where Islamists and communists have joined in an unlikely alliance.”

    Well, all those AK 47s came from Russia now didn’t they. Actually just about every weapon they use came from Russia. With the exception of the stuff Obama gave them.

  2. It is said that generals are always fighting the previous war.
    Shortly after WWII Soviet Russia ceased to be an ally, and communism became the new threat. We fought the Cold War in Europe, Korea, Afghanistan, and Southeast Asia, also here in the USA.
    In Afghanistan, the CIA supported Muslims as proxies against the Russians. This because the focus was on communism, and the rise of radical Islam had not yet been identified as a threat.

    Well that was then.
    The failures of the various Socialist “Republics” seem to indicate that Communism as an economic model is not viable, except as a means to promote tyranny. Oddly, it is on the rise here.
    And the muzzies are everywhere now, a bigger threat than ever.

    There will be blood.

  3. The US has had a storied presence in the Middle east as well using the muslim factions to fight against Russia.
    What I never understood is why we funded and still fund the terrorist Palestinians.

  4. @RANTO April 22, 2017 at 9:01 pm

    “There will be blood.”

    This has already occurred…in San Bernardino, Florida, Boston et al. And it will continue until Islam and its cultists are wiped from the face of our planet,

  5. @OldGal
    Totalitarian islamo-communism is an unholy combination that has been festering for decades. Once isolated in underdeveloped areas, it has now infected large parts of the (formerly) free world.
    Our children will be fighting for their lives.

    And there will be bloodshed. Lots of it.

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