‘American Dream’ Mall Opens In New Jersey – IOTW Report

‘American Dream’ Mall Opens In New Jersey

OANN: The nation’s second largest mall was unveiled on Friday in New Jersey. The ‘American Dream’ offers three million square feet of lease-ready space and hopes to attract 40 million visitors in its first year.

The mall will focus on entertainment rather than the typical brick-and-mortar stores. It features a Nickelodeon-themed amusement park, an indoor skating rink and more.

18 Comments on ‘American Dream’ Mall Opens In New Jersey

  1. Watch this place only fill 1/3 of the store space because of over-priced rents, the entertainment part die when the gangs move in & the place close within 12 months of opening.

  2. …I was with one of the agencies providing fire/EMS to a place called Forest Fair Mall when it opened, and it was the most ginormois mall ever at the time. They even divided it up into neighborhoods.

    Too big, it turned out, no one walked the WHOLE thing, so traffic in front of the non-anchors was unpredictable.

    The indoor entertainment area(s) went through several iterations, but usually ended up in mini-riots by cranky 14 year olds. Always fun when someone uncorked mace or pepper spray and we had to put two cities’ worth of ambulances out of service as eye wash stations.

    It’s been tried as upscale, downscale, entertainmemt focused, shopping focused, etc., nothing worked. It’s just too big, and malls are dead anyway, so this one has only a couple of anchors and a business or two rattling around its cavernous interior, but it’s mostly just YouTube bait now, because it’s…weirdly…still fully open to the public, AND beek kept up pretty good.

    …to see this NJ’S mall’s future, watch THIS…



    …It’s not unique. Here’s a whole bunch LIKE it, probably one near YOU, but in MUCH worse shape…


  3. @John October 27, 2019 at 12:12 pm

    > I only enter NJ if I am being pursued by bigger
    > bloodier pirates than those that run the State.

    I thought Godzilla was exclusively a Pacific species?

  4. Seems like my initial thought is shared by others: Sounds like a great place for “teens” to create national headlines.

    However, on a positive note, it speaks of economic growth and development. Here in Pensacola, there is HUGE construction of businesses, homes, and condo/apt complexes in the past 2 years. Properties that were dormant or abandoned are being repurposed or razed and revitalization is happening. This was NOT happening during the 0bama years. It is glaringly obvious, this difference between the 8 years of The First Black Communist President 0bama and the 2.5 years of President Trump’s America First agenda. It’s visible and tangible and this will have an impact on the next election.

  5. The once thriving mall nearby me is currently in what I call “hospice” mode. The large anchors have long since left and now only the smallest sq. ft. stores are open and inhabited by foreigners hawking cheap gold jewelry, knock off sports memorabilia and crappy electronics. One of the lone holdouts, a Sears closed due to no traffic and their own financial troubles.
    A newer mall further away has already begun being taken over by the violence prone urbanites and the stories of robberies and carjackings mounts weekly.

  6. I meant to ask: what is everyone else seeing in terms of construction and growth where you live? It literally was depressing here during the years of The Kenyan. It’s amazing now.

  7. Uncle Al, John: The best part of being disabled and having to leave the workforce is that I’ll never have to go to the corporate office in West Caldwell OR the state of Neu Jersey ever ever again.


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