American Express slapped with lawsuit alleging discrimination against White employees – IOTW Report

American Express slapped with lawsuit alleging discrimination against White employees


A former American Express employee filed a class-action complaint Tuesday alleging that the credit card company exhibited “callous indifference” to civil rights law by terminating him because he is White and spoke out against its “racially discriminatory” policies.

Brian Netzel, who worked a decade for Amex until he was terminated in 2020, told FOX Business that he sued the company on behalf of himself and potentially thousands of other similarly situated employees following “an avalanche of bad things coming to White people in that company once George Floyd was killed.”

The lawsuit alleges that amid the racial tensions roiling the U.S. in 2020, Amex implemented “anti-racism” policies throughout its corporate structure that “gave preferential treatment to individuals for being Black and unambiguously signaled to White employees that their race was an impediment to getting ahead in the company.”

Netzel said such policies fostered a workplace rife with “a tremendous amount of animosity” in which White employees were unfairly punished or passed over for promotions, while some Black employees were promoted merely to meet racial quotas and employees were encouraged to “root out in McCarthy-era fashion people who didn’t agree with this overall philosophy.” more

5 Comments on American Express slapped with lawsuit alleging discrimination against White employees

  1. AmEx has been run by Obamabot Ken Chenault for two decades. Didn’t realize he decided to go full nigger, but it’s not surprising. Virulent, unchallenged, and unreasoning racism is at the core of “black culture”. That’s who so many of them are demons.


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