American military reporter Lara Logan expose truth about Ukraine war – IOTW Report

American military reporter Lara Logan expose truth about Ukraine war

h/t joe6pak


9 Comments on American military reporter Lara Logan expose truth about Ukraine war

  1. Sussmann acquitted, jury saw right thru that load of crap. For a conviction, one must commit a crime. Poor Durham just a waste of space, but like the recount proves lies & false accusations go nowhere.

  2. Little history about Western Ukraine so you can understand why it could become this hotbed of Nazism

    Before WWI West Ukie as far west as Lviv was known as the province of Galicia in the Austro Hungarian Empire.
    In 1916, Czarist Russia launched the Brusilov offensive, the deadliest battle of WWI in which hundreds of thousands were killed and captured Galicia. Within 9 months Цар* Nicholas was toppled, and 8 months after that the Болшевики* staged their coup

    The very first thing Lenin did was give away about half of European Russia to the Kaiser at the Treaty of Brest Litovsk, at which point the Germans formed the an enormous puppet state of Ukraine, which included much of Belarus but not the Donbass.

    Within 9 months, The German Empire imploded and The Communists invade the territory of the Ukraine and re-incorporate it, along with Galicia, back into a thing called the USSR. Then they create a bogus Ukrainian Republic. Ten years later, Юсифь Джугашьвили* (sometimes known as Stalin) perpetrates the Holodomor,one of the worst atrocities ever on this “Autonomous Republic”, which for some reason, lacked the autonomy to do anything about it. As a result about 2 million person in West Ukraine starve to death

    Now, in 1941, along comes an old ally in Germany and “liberates” West Ukraine and tells the people there that the people who perpetrated these horrors were “Jew Bolsheviks” Would it be a surprise if these people would then collaborate with these Nazis and harbor a pathological hatred for Jews? And then when Russians Communists “liberate”them again in 1943, would it be surprising if the Ukros were to resist again and form a pathological hatred of Russians and be the only place on earth to remain sympathetic to Nazism.

    Not at all. The only thing that makes no sense is when the world demands that Russians be forced to live in the same nation with people who have beliefs that are consideted anathema anywhere else on Earth and who would genocide them if they could. How does that uphold a rules based order? These факкин people

    *(Dont mind me; Im just showing off … the fact that I know a hell of a lot about this subject)

  3. Sorry, but I view the little squabble between the Russians and the Ukrainians is simply a hostile take over by one money launderer over his main competitor. A pox on both of their houses and I feel for the poor citizens caught in the middle.
    The Big Guy has a stake simply because he can’t let Hunter go pick up the envelope.

  4. @CallMellenie

    Thank you Mellenie. You like history. Me too. We could make beautiful history together (just joking!!!). But really, it’s nice to find others with a love of the subject.

    So, I just read today’s CNN article on the war. It more or less concedes that the Donbas is Russia’s aim. It also says Russia was defeated in its attempt to conquer Kiev and other western Ukraine cities. I think Putin’s aim was to disable civilian and military leadership in the Uke capital as much as possible, to allow more freedom of action in eastern Ukraine. Not to take Kiev. If the goal was to take Kiev, it probably would’ve happened by now.

    The Russian objective all along was to get the Donbas, which I understand is pro-Russia, and I think that was evident from the start.

    And, a few weeks after the end of the war, the EU members will be clamoring for Russian oil, which is at a cut-rate price today of $93/barrel, as compared to the western price of $120/barrel. Their so-called ideological opposition to Putin will evaporate like an ice cube in the Sahara. The EU, the RCC, and most governments are headed by crooks.

  5. This woman is so hot – and so bright. The best part was at the end: Putin wasn’t joining the swamp, hence the war against him.

    I can give you 40 billion reasons why she’s right.

  6. @Anon

    I think they desperately want Putin/Russia in the Global/WEF club. They can’t save the world from globaloney warming without Russia, the biggest land mass on earth under a single government. Also, eliminating millions of Russians will take the cooperation of their government.

    My view is the Donbas is Putin’s price to get Russia into the One World tent.

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