American Oversight Receives Indication That Durham Investigation Has Ended – IOTW Report

American Oversight Receives Indication That Durham Investigation Has Ended

American Oversight:

On Friday, the Department of Justice dropped a key objection to the release of more than 4,500 pages of documents related to the Durham investigation, the Trump-era inquiry into the origins of the FBI’s probe of the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia. The DOJ had previously withheld the records claiming that their disclosure would interfere with an ongoing law enforcement investigation. Instead of filing an anticipated brief that would have defended the withholdings, the department withdrew its assertion of the “ongoing investigation” exemption — strongly suggesting that the Durham investigation has been closed.

The reversal was announced in a motion filed in the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit American Oversight brought in August 2019 to compel the release of documents related to the Durham inquiry, including communications between Durham and senior Justice Department officials and any communications Durham or DOJ officials may have had with the Trump White House or Congress.

Statement from American Oversight Executive Director Heather Sawyer:

“The Durham investigation remains an alarming example of former President Trump’s weaponization of the Justice Department for his own political ends. Tasked with proving Trump’s allegations of a ‘deep state’ plot against him — and given nearly four years and millions of taxpayer dollars to do so — Durham found no wrongdoing. It’s long past time for the American people to see the full extent of the inquiry’s work and its influences and we look forward to the release of these records.” more

17 Comments on American Oversight Receives Indication That Durham Investigation Has Ended

  1. “…an alarming example of former President Trump’s weaponization of the Justice Department for his own political ends. “

    Boy, that’s rich, considering what Barack Obama did before and Joe Biden did afterwards.

  2. Another example of America being on the way to the junk heap of history.

    Understand I don’t want it this and I am a veteran who bled, cried, and loved with all the other Patriots – I would still die for its ideals – but America has been murdered. Joe Biden as president should figurately have all Americans cutting our own wrists.

  3. I am not advocating cutting our wrists literally but we should resist as much as we can much like the heroes at the Alamo did. There is little hope beyond Christ in site.

  4. I could have given you the exact same results for a lot less tax dollars. Looks like Americans have ended up in the same place. No where.

  5. Fantasize just how ‘mad-max’ the country would be if Conservatives behaved in the same lying, stealing, out-of-control, up-yer-ass, fuck-off and die attitude as the liberals.

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