American Pravda, NYT Part II – Exploiting Social Media & Manipulating the News – IOTW Report

American Pravda, NYT Part II – Exploiting Social Media & Manipulating the News


In this follow-up American Pravda video, New York Times Audience Strategy Editor Nicholas Dudich explains how he can (and has) manipulated news reach based on his own personal agenda. Dudich also reveals that thanks to inside-baseball connections in Silicon Valley, he can exploit social media to his advantage for the Times.

4 Comments on American Pravda, NYT Part II – Exploiting Social Media & Manipulating the News

  1. this comes as no surprise to anyone with more intelligence than Maxine Waters. dudich is not alone either. I have zero trust in the print or mainstream media.
    If the msm is to survive then they will have to return to basics. confirmation prior to printing and not skewing the news to their own opinions.

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