American University students can live on locked-down campus again – for two months and $5,205 – IOTW Report

American University students can live on locked-down campus again – for two months and $5,205

College Fix:

Same restrictions regardless of vaccination

Do you want to live in a white-collar prison in the nation’s capital for two months? It will only cost you $5,205 on top of tuition!

American University is offering a “mini-mester” program this spring that lets students live on campus from March through May, The Eagle reports. The cost breakdown: $2,478 for a single dorm room, $1,588 meal plan with to-go meals, and $1,139 health insurance (which can be waived).

Priority for the program, capped at 1,250 full-time students, will be given to freshmen because they “in particular” want to live on campus, President Sylvia Burwell said. A few hundred more have already been granted “emergency housing” for the spring. read more

SNIP: If schools are cutting classes, shortening days, or going to online schooling, then why aren’t a large amount of teachers losing their jobs?

6 Comments on American University students can live on locked-down campus again – for two months and $5,205

  1. “If schools are cutting classes, shortening days, or going to online schooling, then why aren’t a large amount of teachers losing their jobs?” And why are my school taxes not being reduced???

  2. Who cares about pampered rich libtards who go to that waste of money school. I hope they’re pissing mommy and daddy’s $100k plus tuition on some worthless liberal arts degree.
    I’m glad my kids are grown up and done with school.
    I don’t have any grandkids yet. My neices have kids in grade school and it sucks for them and their kids.

  3. WTF $1,588 meal plan? for 2 months? for one student? over $26 per day?

    What the hell are they eating? Foie gras?

    I lived off $0.20 Top Ramen meals in college. $0.10 for the sale packages with an occasional coupon.


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