Americans are all-in for the border wall – IOTW Report

Americans are all-in for the border wall

Dan Bongino: No matter how desperately the Democrats try to distort the President’s immigration policy, the American people want real border security, including a strong physical barrier to prevent illegal immigrants, drug smugglers, and human traffickers from flooding our communities.

As it stands today, immigration remains one of the top issues for voters, with 49 percent stating that the government should address the matter this year. The ongoing crisis on our southern border is so concerning to the populace, in fact, that more than 325,000 Americans have lost their patience with the obstructionist Democrats in Congress and joined together to raise almost $20 million for President Trump’s border wall.

It’s easy to see why so many Americans are growing tired of Washington’s inaction on immigration.

According to Border Patrol statistics, the Office of Field Operations had seized close to 48,000 pounds of cocaine, 67,000 pounds of methamphetamine, and 5,000 pounds of heroin before the end of fiscal year 2018 alone. During the same period, Border Patrol agents also took a total of 566,281 enforcement actions and arrested 1,547 criminal aliens who were already wanted by law enforcement.

Sadly, our immigration authorities can only do so much to protect the country from drug cartels and other foreign criminals who consistently evade security checkpoints to cross our borders illegally. Every year, thousands of Americans fall victim to the drug trade, and criminal aliens are exacerbating the problem by smuggling heroin, cocaine, and other dangerous substances across the border.

At the same time, illegal immigration is overwhelming our economy, costing taxpayers a whopping $116 billion per year. MORE

10 Comments on Americans are all-in for the border wall

  1. Ronald Reagan got played by the Democrats back when he agreed to sign the 1986 Amnesty Act. George W. Bush could have imposed strict border controls right after 9/11, but he didn’t want to offend his minuscule number of Mexican-American supporters. The Democrats don’t want to enforce the immigration laws that are on the books, they want a Comprehensive Illegal Future Democrat Majority Immigration Relief Act. Hold fast President Trump.

  2. I didn’t call politicians ‘glacialists’ for nothing. Slow roll everything while playing political theater, proposing 6 times the amount Trump is asking for border
    Security when you know it won’t happen.

    The expiration of this gallon of milk toasts is over.

    I know. Milquetoast.

  3. ‘Ronald Reagan got played by the Democrats back when he agreed to sign the 1986 Amnesty Act.’
    Spot on!
    Factual history is a helluva cure. If only it had not taken 20 years for voters frustration to make a change since the ‘same old same old’ politicians kept somehow got ‘Elected’.

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