Americans Are Ditching Government Dependence Under Trump – IOTW Report

Americans Are Ditching Government Dependence Under Trump

Epoch Times:

Dependence on government programs by Americans has diminished during the presidency of Donald Trump, most visible in the shrinking of food stamp enrollment.

In the first 27 months under Trump, food stamp enrollment dropped by more than 6.7 million, compared with the less than 3.6 million drop under the last 27 months of the Obama presidency.

In April, about 11 percent of Americans (some 36 million) were on food stamps, the least since 2009.

The food stamps program—renamed Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in 2008—provides low-income households cards prepaid with hundreds of dollars a month for grocery shopping.

The average benefit has dropped under Trump, from about $250 per household in February 2017 to about $240 in April (pdf), suggesting that even those enrolled are doing better, since the benefit declines with the rising income of the recipient.


The enrollment in Medicaid and CHIP, government-sponsored health insurance for children and the poor, also declined under Trump—by 2.5 million between January 2017 and March. The drop came at the tail of a massive Medicaid expansion enabled by the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).



3 Comments on Americans Are Ditching Government Dependence Under Trump

  1. Do they give the number of illegals on the system? I’d be curious to see the numbers if they weren’t included. I’d like the public to know just how much of a drain they are to the taxpayer so all those new earners out there can get an idea what it’s costing them when they see their withholding. Maybe it’ll sink in.


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