Americans Are Expected To Spend $9 Billion This Halloween – IOTW Report

Americans Are Expected To Spend $9 Billion This Halloween


[…] “One of the biggest trends this year is the growth of spending on pet costumes,” said Phil Rist, an executive at the company, Proper Insights, that conducted the survey for NRF. “Out of the 31.3 million Americans planning to dress their pets in costumes, millennials (25-34) are most likely to dress up their pets, the highest we have seen in the history of our surveys.”  MORE


17 Comments on Americans Are Expected To Spend $9 Billion This Halloween

  1. Not me I am spending $45.00 on pumpkins and candy, plus the Jumbo bars.
    Our pets will go as themselves,in their own fur coats,right to bed.
    I can not wait for some one to ask for a milk bone for their dog.I know it is coming. In Seattle dogs are their children.

  2. my three dogs are going as aspirational democrat candidates as they only shit on command at 7 am… the afternoon they appear to be lazy napper democrats….they are only Republicans when we go for a ride. Wide eyed and looking to the future….

  3. I dislike the fetishization of pets.

    Having said that, it is kinda’ neat to see how some people out here paint skeletons on their horses and send them out to pasture by the road.

  4. I did NOT already open the Halloween candy! Really! I have more will power than that. Pffft.

    Okay, I did. I don’t know why I’m admitting this…

    Oh, I know. It’s supposed to rain CATS and DOGS on Halloween out here in the western half of the Soviet State of Washington. Should keep the little buggers away – so the candy has to go somewhere.

  5. We live down a steep driveway and it deters trick or treaters. I always buy one bag of candy just in case but we end up eating it. If it’s going to be pouring rain? Yeah. No one will darken our door for sure this year.

    Never been a big Halloween fan. The Zombie Walks that local towns have this time of year are dumb. Bah Humbug!

  6. One year as a kid, my Mom dressed-up as a witch to answer the door and I was in charge of spooky sounds and visual effects (flying ghosts, weird lights, etc. Hey, I was about 11 and engineering was called for!). I mean, she went all the way with makeup, nose, teeth, costume, etc. Her looks even disturbed me – but she scared the crap out of the neighborhood kids. Some of them cried.

  7. Call me an old grump but I ain’t participating in Halloween. My front porch lights will be off and the curtains closed and I’m not answering any knocks at the front door. And my golden retriever Indie will bark if anyone comes to the door. If I tried to dress up either the dog or the cat I’d be in big trouble, the dog would be embarrassed and the cat would find a way to kill me while I was sleeping, he doesn’t like to be made fun of.


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