Americans Detained in NoKo Call for US Help – IOTW Report

Americans Detained in NoKo Call for US Help


PYONGYANG, North Korea — North Korea gave foreign media access on Monday to three detained Americans who said they have been able to contact their families and — watched by officials as they spoke — called for Washington to send a high-ranking representative to negotiate for their freedom.

Jeffrey Fowle and Mathew Miller said they expect to face trial within a month. But they said they do not know what punishment they could face or what the specific charges against them are. Kenneth Bae, who already is serving a 15-year term, said his health has deteriorated at the labor camp where he works eight hours a day.




14 Comments on Americans Detained in NoKo Call for US Help

  1. Special Nork guru Bill ‘Playstations And Nukes’ Richardson was on various outlets proclaiming expert knowledge and insights to what makes the Kim Family tick. Without this toad and Bill ‘Where Are All The Pyongyang Sisters At?’ Clinton, the DPRK would have been ground into a fine powder years ago. But no, Madeline Albright wanted to dance with The Jonger.

  2. I am all for some adventuresome travel, but like Czar mentions why are these 3 there? not a country you accidently hike into. across the DMZ w/o knowing it? come down from China? out for sunday sail and the wind took a different tack?
    I am curious why they got themselves in this mess

  3. Well, Moose will be busy lending her charisma to the troubled dems up for re-election, and Dennis is all “misunderstood” or sum-such, so I think thirdtwin probably nailed down how to get the Dimwit-in-Chief over there.

    You could ask Killary to go, but what difference, at this point, would it make?

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