‘Americans Don’t Believe This Was a Legitimate Election’ – Senate Committee to Hold Oversight Hearing to Examine Irregularities in 2020 Election – IOTW Report

‘Americans Don’t Believe This Was a Legitimate Election’ – Senate Committee to Hold Oversight Hearing to Examine Irregularities in 2020 Election


The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs will hold an oversight hearing to examine irregularities in the 2020 election Wednesday morning at 10:00 AM ET.

Former special prosecutor Ken Starr will be testifying tomorrow before the senate committee.

Ken Starr recently appeared on “Life, Liberty & Levin” and clearly explained that Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the Constitution gives plenary power to the state legislatures to choose their electors.

Starr said what happened in Pennsylvania is a “Constitutional travesty.”

The full list of witnesses for tomorrow’s hearing:

Kenneth W. Starr
Testifying in Personal Capacity

Donald Palmer
U.S. Election Assistance Commission

James R. Troupis
Attorney Troupis Law Firm…


22 Comments on ‘Americans Don’t Believe This Was a Legitimate Election’ – Senate Committee to Hold Oversight Hearing to Examine Irregularities in 2020 Election

  1. ” … Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the Constitution gives plenary power to the state legislatures to choose their electors.”

    I believe that is what they have just done.

    If not, then how did the electors get chosen?

  2. Do you really think liberal Turtle will put any non liberals on this investigation?

    Remember GWB’s lefty saying he’d put GWB’s girl Lerner behind bars; 10 years ago! Trey and Mitch are GWB men. Investigation will find “no material fraud”! Lois is still free!

  3. Revolver news is reporting that Mitch McConnell is pressuring senators not to question Biden’s win.
    Why would Mitch be doing that??? All of his wife’s relatives generous financial gifts?
    This scumbag should have been long gone a while ago, fookin traitor!

  4. What a bunch of useless traitorous lying scumbags. Screw the republicans. Another bullshit committee populated by no balls republicans which will result in absolutely nothing of value.

    Did you know that Mitch the traitorous, backstabbing bitch, is married to Elaine Chau, Secretary of Labor who is a member of one of the wealthiest families in China. Mitch is also a whore in the pay of the Chinese.

  5. Mitch McConnell stabbed President Trump in the back yesterday going on the floor and giving Stole the Election Beijing Biden a thumbs up. I truly dispise this man. 🤬

    Now he’s threatening other Republican’s that they better toe the line or else.
    Listen good Mitch the Bitch, we aren’t going to forget all you traitors and how you screwed over President Trump and the American people. 🤬 This ain’t over. MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  6. After 12 years of Committee hearings that have produced absolute zilch, I welcome the announcement of another hearing as heartily as I would welcome Nancy Pelosi into my house for ice cream.

    Peach 46 ! And stick a fork in the memory of this once great nation.

  7. With the exception of doing everything to retain their own means of thieving from federal taxes and obtaining a revenue stream from pay-to-play, the U.S. Congress has already proven they are irrelevant as a governing body.

    As Reagan said many moons ago, they’re not the solution, they’re the problem.

  8. I hope someone brings a copy of the forensic audit from MI.
    Will this “hearing” actually bear any fruit?
    Will anyone be under oath?
    POTUS has totally exposed the political/judicial fraud at EVERY level.
    Americans have no redress with judicial/political factions locally or federally.
    The election fraud was massive by design so the USA sellouts would hand over the country to foreigner commie actors.
    A military tribunal will be needed to correct the totally corrupt and fraudulent govt.

  9. A longer version of the results released by the Michigan judge of the review of the Antrim County, Michigan Dominion voting systems has been available for several days. Most probably didn’t read the 23 page report. Here’s a shorter summary. It needs to be addressed in today’s senate hearings (or in the House).

    Interesting nuggets from the Antrim Dominion machine forensic analysis



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