Americans Don’t Like Being Told What to Do – IOTW Report

Americans Don’t Like Being Told What to Do

American Thinker

By J.B. Shurk

From time to time, I am accused of being a bit too optimistic about America’s future — which I find a tad amusing because past experiences have chiseled my worldview into something more akin to cynical realism than unicorns flying on fairy dust.  I’ve seen enough to understand just how deeply man’s cruelty can cut.  I’ve peeked behind a few curtains and learned how monstrous lies get peddled as truths.  And I have no doubts about the magnitudes of the various domestic and foreign threats surrounding us.

What I do have, however, is a profound faith in God, an appreciation for human history, and a committed belief that Americans are a gritty and determined people who generally excel most when all is nearly lost.  I mean no disrespect to the citizens of other nations; I know there are heroes and history-makers among the populations of every country on Earth.  But dollars to doughnuts, I’d take a feisty, ragtag group of ordinary Americans by my side were I ever facing long odds and dwindling options.  Americans love to fight but can be convinced to control their bubbling anger for a spell.  However, when fighting the good fight becomes not only necessary, but also righteous in nature, then Heaven help those who get in their way!

There is something almost feral in the American spirit, a kind of attitude that is part can-do and part you-can’t-tell-me-what-to-do!  The One-World-Government internationalists running the federal bureaucracy have done their best to beat this disrespect for authority out of the American people, but it’s still there, just below the surface, sort of stewing in its juices until all hell breaks loose.

I swear, the worst thing you can tell an American if you seek his surrender is, “You can’t win this battle,” because he’ll take that as a damn challenge and double down in his obstinacy.  That’s one of the reasons I know the globalists pushing this Build Back Better BS haven’t really thought through their plans for world domination.  They’re counting on “the good German” or “the kind Canadian” or the “grin-and-bear-it Brit” to take what’s coming and accept the New World Order in stride.  But all those World Economic Forum SOBs are totally clueless about the average American’s psychology.  Yeah, government propaganda appealing to Americans’ sense of compassion and moral duty works for a while, but when those same Americans start to feel that official organs of power have pulled the wool over their eyes and disrespected them as fools, well, that’s when Americans’ dormant “rebel” DNA kicks in with true gusto. more
h/t NAAC

14 Comments on Americans Don’t Like Being Told What to Do

  1. “Americans Don’t Like Being Told What to Do”

    …totally was NOT what I saw.

    Most folks seemed all too wiling to await orders from Fauci, and lost without them. Businesses LOVED mandates because it took the pressure off THEM, medical facilities LOVED the mandates because they kept pesky patient families away, and 90% of millennials and younger would still be in a foetal position in the basement if someone didn’t promise them the mask/distance/vaxx/gloves/goggles/hand sanitizer would make them “safe”.

    This ain’t the America I grew up in.

    Seems most folks now like them some tyranny.

    It saves them having to think.

  2. We can be thankful, though, that there are still many Americans who DO want to be free and not messed with.

    I imagine that many of the underground rebellion supporters, who helped win previous wars were as important as those who openly rebelled. It takes bravery to speak out. It doesn’t mean that those who don’t speak out aren’t acting bravely in a different, quiet way.

    But I have to agree that many were sheep, even some I expected would be more vigorous in their opposition to mandates.

  3. Americans Don’t Like Being Told What to Do


    In March of 2020 I said that people will not put up with this shit and by April Fools day will tell them to shove it up their asses. Boy was I ever wrong.

    Some pissed, wined and moaned about it and others were only too happy to display to THIER betters what compliant little shits they could be, but precious few just went on about their business and ignored the mask mandates.

    I just said piss off and went on about my business as usual to the degree possible.

  4. The fact of it is, a lot of us have been around for 60 years or so, with nothing but obstacles from those that suddenly decided we’re incapable of dealing with life on our own.
    Fuck’em; they’d best get out of the way or get run over.

  5. I think the article is right. Maybe it seems like most Americans just want to be taken care of, but that is what the elites, including the media, want us to think.

    Look at the 2020 election. Biden rallies could not even fill a phone booth. Trump would fill stadiums. Yes, the election was stolen, but more and more people are waking up to that fact. I think the Democrats shot their wad in 2020. In 2024, I suggest that people in questionable areas stand vigil outside the locations where ballots are counted. Take video of anyone or anything going to them in the middle of the night. Let them know that we are watching. Let them know that we are mad as hell and we aren’t going to take it anymore.

  6. Americans Don’t Like Being Told What to Do

    I’m one of those Americans who has told more people in the past 2 years to “F” off when I’m told to do something against my will. That’s just how I am.

  7. Every businesses knows the heavy hand of OSHA would come down on them if they did otherwise, and with so many families to feed in their business they felt like they had no choice even if they hated it.
    They’re pushing for not being able to feed your family, pay your fuel, electric or rent.
    Then we shall see that they have very little to take from you at that point.
    They will cross a line that they wish they hadn’t I would assume.
    Big blue cities first.

  8. I beleive in the US there is a strong streak of independence, freedom, a “get off my back” attitude regarding gov’t, and still a strong belief in God. I think we have this way more than any other western countries, which, like the UK, Canada, Australia, and NZ, have either never had a 2nd Amendment, or it they did it’s been stripped away from the people. These other countries are ruled by socialist/liberals who have drunk the kook-aid of global climate change. The NZ lesby-leader and the Castro-Bastro Trudeau of Canada are prime examples who are taking their countries down.

    There are a lot of us ready to tell the One-World-Government Internationalists to stick their evil plans up their backsides and take a hike out of the US.

    We may have a David (us) and Goliath (them) situation on our hands, but if we put our faith in God, we will do allright.

    I will walk the walk when the time comes. Along with our conservative brothers and sisters.


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