Americans Helping Each Other – IOTW Report

Americans Helping Each Other

Breitbart: After three days of Hurricane Harvey, the message emerging from Houston and the Texas coast is not one of chaos and destruction, but of collective strength, as Americans help each other survive through the worst of circumstances.

For once, cable news is not dominated by talking heads shouting at each other, but by images of volunteers, black and white, arriving in flat-bottomed boats to rescue neighbors from flooded buildings. Journalists are helping to direct emergency crews to save stranded drivers rather than encouraging enraged mobs to riot against the police.

And President Donald Trump, attacked for weeks for allegedly dividing the nation, is drawing attention to its unity.

At a joint press conference Monday with the president of Finland, President Trump said:

Tragic times such as these bring out the best in America’s character.  Strength, charity and resilience are those characters.  We see neighbor helping neighbor, friend helping friend, and stranger helping stranger.  And you see that all over.  If you watch on television, you just see such incredible work and love, and teamwork.

We are one American family.  We hurt together, we struggle together, and, believe me, we endure together.  We are one family.

Finland’s leader, too, remarked: “It has been touching to watch the TV and see how people help each other. That is what we basically are built of — helping each other.”  MORE

11 Comments on Americans Helping Each Other

  1. There is very little to be complained about, except the inaccurate forecasts of intensity and duration. Nothing excet the high heeled shoes complained about by the wretch from Vogue.

  2. Virtually the same things happened during Katrina. But the media blackballed every positive story. Why are they focusing on the positive under Trump but absolutely tore Bush apart? Is it possible the MSM has figured out they no longer control what Americans think? Too many conservative competitors?

  3. Here’s a small example of that. A call went out that a horse guy in Doswell VA was going to take a big horse trailer of supplies for the animals. It went out on WRVA.
    This was not just for cats and dogs, but for horses and livestock. By the time I got to this little Saddlery the horse trailer had been replaced with a full 18 wheeler and the guys in front of me had a flatbed with 3 pallets of dog food. And people behind me brought in all manner of supplies.

    Nobody grandstanded. Grabbed media attention. Americans silently rallied in a no name town half way across the country.
    I was blown away.

  4. This Week Of Tragedy And Despair , Would Have Been Worse Just About Anywhere Else !
    It’s also Nice To See The “Finn’s” are Watching Similar Hardy People Work As Neighbors and Countrymen !

  5. I think the National Guard should have another job.
    Press Gang
    The next time those Antifa bastards show up somewhere, the National Guard should deploy in Thunderbirds type vehicles and round them up and let them work off their sentences cleaning up after hurricanes, and when there’s no disaster they should work at picking up litter and weeding along the roads until they are too old to cut the mustard.

  6. DAM STRAIGHT! A Southern man will survive.
    I have seen alot of true American men not
    black,Mexican,Latino,Oriental,White,ETC men.
    American men rescuing American women,old folks,
    pets and chidren.How come it takes a horrific once
    in a life time flood to bring ALL Americans together???
    Why can’t we do this every day ???
    Demorat-commies-antifa-socialist divide us and they
    do not like the AMERICAN men coming together to
    save lives and pets.

  7. I’ve got an idea. Let’s ignore leftist halfwits and go about the business of being Americans. I know it’s bad for blogs and radio talk show hosts and Tucker Carlson, but watching overgrown infants banging their spoons on their high chairs simply draws undue attention to them, infuriates the normal and distracts from real American everyday heroes going about their business.

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