Americans Skipping Meals To Afford Housing Under Biden: POLL – IOTW Report

Americans Skipping Meals To Afford Housing Under Biden: POLL


A major real estate company released a survey on Friday which found that renters and homeowners are significantly reducing their quality of life to afford housing under President Joe Biden.

Nearly one in five homeowners and renters reported skipping meals to afford housing in Biden’s economy, according to a new survey conducted by Redfin. The median asking rental price increased from less than $1,700 when Biden took office in January 2021 to nearly $2,000 as of February, according to Redfin’s data. more

17 Comments on Americans Skipping Meals To Afford Housing Under Biden: POLL

  1. I’ve talked to people that are avoiding meals to afford groceries.
    It’s beyond rent and mortgage, it’s basic survival. The utilities are raising their prices. Insurance is up. Everything but wages. If you have been fortunate enough to get a raise chances are it wasn’t enough to match inflation.

  2. That’s OK. The next trick in the Communist book is to raise property taxes to where they are unaffordable, effectively making it so you own nothing but are renting from the government no matter whether you paid for “your” house or not. That makes it easy to put you out if the government favors someone else at any time.

    The idea is to destroy the whole idea of private property. Your house, your car, your children, your labor, your body all belong to the State, and when the State is done with you they can dispose of you at will.

    When you don’t even own yourself, the housing thing becomes rather moot.

  3. Here in Maine a one room studio is $2000 mo.
    The average household income here is $58,000.
    To afford to buy a home here you need a household income of at least $102,000.
    Electricity rates have more than doubled in the past 2 yrs.
    We have a small house and no small children and our bill is around $170 + per mo.
    It’s worse than the statistics show.
    We are so thankful to God we bought our house in 1990 and stayed in it and paid it off instead of buying a bigger home with bigger payments.

  4. Can’t afford the rent? Not a problem, just squat in someone’s vacant house. The government condones it. Plus, you’ll probably significantly upgrade the quality of your housing.

  5. Speaking of squatters….
    Illegals up here get free everything and spending cash totalling around $65,000.
    More than avg income. No rent or food cost concerns for them.

  6. I noticed when I became a “property owner” that people who did NOT own property pretty much voted me taxes for everything they wanted, usually things I did not want or need, whenever it suited them in my property taxes.

    Then they get mad when whoever owns the building THEY live in raises rent to pay HIS property taxes.

    But one thing they NEVER EVER do is connect those taxes and those rent increases together.

    So they just keep voting MY property taxes higher and higher, thinking they are getting something for nothing.

    …And when they have a Communist city impose rent control, then they wonder why the landlord can’t afford to fix their building any more…

  7. Uncle Al
    SUNDAY, 7 APRIL 2024, 11:58 AT 11:58 AM
    “Rather than go hungry, friends, you might try a nice roast leg of IRS agent.”

    …those things are full of drugs, diseases, and mRNA, plus Communists are always fantastically bitter.


  8. @SNS — You make good points. Maybe it would work to use the IRS agents to feed something that is by comparison much more wholesome and tasty. Wharf rats? Buzzards? Hyenas?

  9. Uncle Al
    SUNDAY, 7 APRIL 2024, 13:20 AT 1:20 PM
    “Maybe it would work to use the IRS agents to feed something that is by comparison much more wholesome and tasty. Wharf rats? Buzzards? Hyenas?”

    …use them to grow crops.
    Dirt and gravel filter out the impurities. Applying this particular fertilizer would go something like this…*WARNING GRAPHIC VIOLENCE*

  10. We’ll be skipping meals around here till I find out why my stove top tried killing me last night. I was holding a pot handle on a burner & turned on the exhaust fan & pow, bright flash & down on the floor. Evidently there’s a short. It’s only a 50yr old stove top & just a quick look on the internet there isn’t a direct fit replacement. Looks like we’ll be using a hot plate for awhile.

  11. @SNS — That video seem kinda tame considering we’re talking about IRS agents.

    And using ’em as fertilizer for crops is fine as long as the crops are used as cattle or hog feed to produce tasty steaks and ribs and BACON.


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