Americans Think Economy is ‘Good,’ Taxes Are Too High – IOTW Report

Americans Think Economy is ‘Good,’ Taxes Are Too High

From NTK:

70% of Americans Think Economy is ‘Good,’ Only 30% Think It’s Bad

Nearly seven in ten Americans think the economy is “good,” up five points from just two months ago and as high as Americans’ confidence was before the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001.

That’s one major takeaway of a new CBS News poll released on Tuesday morning, which bears some good news for President Trump and his administration.

Though Trump’s approval rating sits at 36 percent – the same figure Trump earned from Americans polled by CBS News in June – a slight plurality approve (46-45) of Trump’s handling of the economy.  [More at link]


POLL: Majority of Voters Say Taxes Are Too High, Support Overhaul.

new poll shows there is a growing appetite for tax reform, the next legislative priority of the White House and GOP-led Congress.

Fully 52.3 percent of likely voters surveyed said they believe that income taxes in the U.S. are too high. That includes 46 percent of Democrats, 50 percent of independents, and 62 percent of Republicans.

An astonishing 90 percent of voters said they believed that the personal income tax system is very or somewhat complex.

Unsurprisingly, 57 percent of voters said they believe the tax code needs to be overhauled or changed in a major way. That number includes 66 percent of independents.

Perhaps most surprisingly, nearly 70 percent of Democrats said they want their member of Congress to work in a bipartisan manner to get things done.

[More at link]

5 Comments on Americans Think Economy is ‘Good,’ Taxes Are Too High

  1. For the level of public dis-service we receive from the professional politicians (Dimmes it’s understandable but the RINO’s really suck) not doing their jobs and getting rid of high taxes, atrocious spending policies, and overall poor governing it’s amazing it’s purported to be only 70%.

    Get rid of RINO leadership in House/Senate.

  2. Property tax, sales tax, gas tax, capital gains tax, interest tax, gambling tax, sugar tax, tobacco tax, entertainment tax, TSA tax, liquor tax, and all the taxes I have failed to list. Take them all and you STILL have 47.7% of likely voters who say income tax is not too high? Apparently they have nothing to spend their money on, including charity. Show me their faces, I will punch them all.

  3. “Americans Think Economy is ‘Good,’ Taxes Are Too High”


    Are we this fukkin stupid?
    The economy is DEFINITELY better, and taxes are DEFINITELY TOO FUCKING HIGH!
    No thinking about it – demonstrable facts.

    Oh, and not only are taxes DEFINITELY TOO FUCKING HIGH, but there are TOO DAMNED MANY OF THEM, as well. Again, not conjecture – just plain facts.

    izlamo delenda est …

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