Americans’ views of the sports industry take a nosedive, according to Gallup – IOTW Report

Americans’ views of the sports industry take a nosedive, according to Gallup

Just The News :

Americans’ opinion of the sports industry has declined dramatically over the last year, plunging the sector deep into negative territory, according to a new Gallup poll.

The sports industry’s positive score in 2019 sat at 45%, but fell by a third to just 30% in 2020. Similarly, while 25% held a negative view in 2019, that number shot up to 40% in 2020.

The stark contrast is evident when examining the change in the net-positive scores, which are calculated by combining the positive and negative score into a single number. While the industry earned a +20 net-positive in 2019, the number sank to -10 net-positive this year. more

31 Comments on Americans’ views of the sports industry take a nosedive, according to Gallup

  1. The thrill is gone and the romance is dead.

    Who would even care about sports when we have a civil war looming and future confrontations with China? Our present situation is not compatible with watching adults playing kid’s games.

  2. If they hate the country that enabled these scumbags to literally have everything they could ever want, leave & find another place to live. How about China? People are sick & tired of this ungrateful BS. Screw them.

  3. That is what happens when you embrace Marxism and China (NBA in particular) and crap on our National Anthem. They can’t even sell all the limited tickets to the first NFL game. Gee telling all your Kansas fans you can’t wear your traditional Chief’s headwear doesn’t help either. Hope it hits their ad revenue and salaries.

  4. Many (most?) of us don’t really have a ‘problem’ with sports as such. What we DO have a problem with is the politicization of it by a bunch of overpaid ‘elites’ who think that their ‘status’ gives them some sort of moral authority. Shut up and play ball – and that goes double for the coaches and owners.

  5. Rocky Bleier Vietnam vet and star player for the Pittsburg Steelers from the late 60’s to the early 80’s would’ve never taken a knee and shown disrespect for the American flag or the National anthem. I will not watch any NFL games this year because of the NFL players, coaches and management politicizing the game and standing more for BLM than they do for America. Eff the NFL, I don’t give a damn about them or other professional sports anymore.

  6. I was looking forward to football season but not anymore. Even my Cowboys are kneeling and wearing BLM names on their helmets with Jerry Jones capitulation. Still hope for college football but I will turn it off if they follow the NFL model

  7. Opinions mean exactly dick. Spending is the big dick. If the “fans”, the spectators, the consumers of ‘merch’ indicate they aren’t opening their wallet that is the only thing that will devalue these sports business franchises to the point the billionaires that own them will turn off the payroll.

    When the networks (their advertisers) don’t pony up the cash, you’ll see those NFL players slinging hash at Waffle House.

  8. A new poll just came out showing that fan’s attitudes have changed, most are now OK with anthem protests;

    “A majority of Americans, 56 percent, now believe it is appropriate for athletes to kneel during the national anthem as a form of protest; while 42 percent disagree. An even larger majority, 62 percent, believes athletes have the right to express themselves on social and national issues.”

    Get woke go broke only works if the public enacts their own form of protest to voice their displeasure at actions they deem unacceptable, more and more are now accepting of loud-mouthed pampered millionaires foisting their ill-informed not well thought out opionions on the public. It’s a shame.

  9. When I got pissed at NASCAR years ago and stopped watching I found out I wasn’t missing a damn thing. I can flush the NFL down the proverbial crapper too. Damn shame too, I really enjoyed watching my Texan teams.

  10. Somewhat off topic, but not completely…

    Trying not to compete with SNS, but here goes…

    Wrote a little missive to our friends at American Airlines telling them how pleased I was with them supporting
    B urn L oot M urder
    And got the reply today. Talk about TONE DEAF! Let me give you an excerpt from their reply…

    “Black Lives Matter is an expression of equality, one that affirms the value of Black life. It is not a political or partisan statement, nor does it mean that other lives do not matter or matter less.
    American is not expressing support for a specific organization or third party, however we do stand in solidarity with the movement for equality and justice for Black Americans.”

    Sent them another reply to this bullshit telling them to grab their Golden Parachutes and get out of town. Perhaps not in those exact words…

  11. Hear me out.

    What if the goal is to lower the value of the league and the teams so that a consortium of black potential wannabe owners can swoop in and take this problem off a few cities’ hands?

    That’s my bet.

    Most teams aren’t big moneymakers anyway. They tried to make overtures against the Panthers a few years ago.

    Stink up the joint and a few angel investors appear. Hell, they forced the Clippers guy to do that.

    They’ve irrevocably damaged the brand in the process of their shakedown racket.

  12. Cliche Guevara- I see what you mean, but the owners would sell to other countries (china, Saudi), because the players don’t have the money to buy and maintain a league. They’re not ‘old money’ they’re ‘new money’.

  13. ^exactly. 56% of last years viewers? There will be a significant drop in viewers this year. Rush was right today. The “innocence” of sports is gone. I wont watch or participate with people who hate my guts and hate what i stand for and even those who in the niffle who dont hate me wont stand up for my and theirs (assumably) values. They destroyed it by their own hand. Stupid shits. Even my purple blooded die hard buddies have kissed off the Yikings and the niffle this year. Gonna watch college ball LOL. They’re no different in college.

  14. 🎶People get ready, there’s a change a comin’.

    Sorry to inform you, but the change is a lot fewer black millionaires who should have been enjoying their black privilege. Unfortunately they’re lighting cigars with their winning lottery tickets.

    And just by the way, bye bye NFL Network and ESPN, too boot.

    See ya, suckers.

  15. I might start watching televised sports again when somebody carries pato, the national game of Argentina. It goes back to the 1600’s, and is sort of like a combination of polo and basketball.

    Believe me, the macho Argentine horsemen wouldn’t tolerate any kind of unpatriotic demonstrations or displays for more than about 10 seconds max.

  16. For the K.C. Chiefs vs Houston Texans game seating was limited to 16k seats in a stadium that seats 76k. Stubhub reported tickets remained available two hours before game time.

    But the funny thing was they blamed low ticket sales on everything except what was probably the main reason:

    No one has any interest in watching highly paid athletes whine about being discriminated against by racist Americans, when they are paid an an annual income that is more than what most fans will earn over several years of hard work.

    No sir. Low interest in buying tickets to the game was blamed on; covid-19 fears, and the weather that has been unseasonably cool and wet with light rain falling most of the day in Kansas City. To who knows, a mystery, I guess.

    I hope they continue refusing to acknowledge the primary reason, avoid fixing it, and hopefully get what they deserve, and end up crying in their beer over the consequences of lower incomes.

    The cooked goose might have tasted delicious but the golden eggs are no more. Instead of being Inglourious Basterds they are the Ungrateful Basterds.

  17. MJ: Give this until halfway into a season.

    Colleges can’t make it one year without football.

    TV contracts are the big moneymakers for the pros. If the ratings are tanking and no one shows to the games, I would not be surprised if some 80 year owner decides to bail. As I understand it, which could be wrong, a certain number of owners can block a sale for any reason.

    To me, the NFL is like newspapers these days. They prefer to go out of business than do the right thing.

    Blink: In fairness the Kansas City Football Team is only the defending Super Bowl champion coming off their first title in 50 years. Who would want to welcome them into the new season. I was checking old articles and their Super Bowl parade in February was sparsely attended as well.

    People are tired of this shit and after a summer of burning, murdering and looting, they may be more inclined to tune it all out than in the past.

  18. If (IF) I were to be interested in watching sports, it would be for my entertainment. I wouldn’t watch sports to be lectured and scolded over nothing.


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