America’s Army Shrinks as Threats Proliferate – IOTW Report

America’s Army Shrinks as Threats Proliferate

DailySignal: Today, the United States and its allies face a wider and more serious array of threats than at any point since the end of the Cold War a quarter of a century ago. While the demand for troops to confront these challenges is increasing, the size and readiness of the U.S. Army is in steep decline.

Years of budget cuts have rapidly shrunk the Army to a size unseen since before World War II. The preparedness of the troops has been damaged as well. The Army has been forced to cut training and next-generation weapons programs that are vital for preparing the force for 21st century conflict.


11 Comments on America’s Army Shrinks as Threats Proliferate

  1. I just got out a couple months ago. The estimations for combat readiness are sadly exaggerated. While we may have the troops we can send downrange, they are not ready. I spent the last 2 years making sure my troops were up to date on their sexual harassment, equal opportunity, and dozens of other menial online and classroom trainings. My guys and I were not infantry, but we still have to stay proficient in their fields. I hadn’t been able to keep them proficient in their field since 2013. If we get into an actual fight again, it is going to be a dangerous time for them.

  2. b b b but our rules of engagement mean you don’t have to fire your weapon or be able to, no bullets, no collateral casualties.
    b b b but if you do get hurt and come back to the VA they will take good care of you in a year or two.
    b b b but we have gays and okey doke in the military now!
    b b b but we cut the military budget and now have more unemployment and welfare and food stamps!
    why isn’t every one signing up in droves?

  3. Generals Washington, Eisenhower, MacArthur and Patton could not be reached for comment.
    But I’ll bet every reader of this blog knows what they’d say.

    We’s been fundamentally transformed. Congratulations America.

  4. Obama’s legacy: a decimated military, broken VA system, gestapo like ATF, DEA, IRS, DOJ, EPA and HLS, greater race divisions, higher unemployment, excessive assistance programs for those who can but choose not to work, housing crash, Obamacare,the dollar does buy what it used to, international relations is worse, alienated allies, funded our enemies, open borders, illegal immigrants and refugees and much, much more.

    His legacy long after the stench of the whitehouse is removed.

  5. You mean America’s uniformed army is shrinking.

    By the pressure of having a treasonous president and political class, the unorganized militias have grown. Both in number and equipment.

    Funny how that works out.

  6. Americas army hasn’t shrunk, it’s alive and well, it’s just adjusted to the geopolitical and religionist’s landscape and is now comprised of a very quiet, professional, disciplined, and anonymous militia in the shadows of your every day reality. We are your family, friends and neighbors. We are ready, willing and able to take on any foreign or domestic enemy. We have the fire power and are ready to take matters into our own hands.

    This is a real war! And it’s one that will not end well for them.

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