“America’s Biggest Serial Killer” – IOTW Report

“America’s Biggest Serial Killer”


Gosnell Movie to Unveil the ‘Most Prolific Serial Killer’

Independent filmmaker raises funds to bypass Gosnell media censorship.
He’s America’s “biggest serial killer,” though hardly anyone recognizes his name: Dr. Kermit Gosnell. But an independent filmmaker plans to change that by challenging the media through a grassroots fundraiser.

A campaign headed by filmmaker Phelim McAleer, along with wife Ann McElhinney and Magdalena Segieda, hopes to raise $2.1 million in 45 days to tell the story of Kermit Gosnell – a story well hidden by the media. Their company, Hat Tip Productions, will produce a scripted drama based on the abortionist’s trial and the grand jury report. Having already faced opposition from internet fundraiser Kickstarter, which placed restrictions on describing Gosnell, the team turned to site Indiegogo to ask for support from the public.

Kermit Gosnell was convicted in May of first-degree murder of three babies. The trial, in which witnesses described baby abortion survivors “swimming” in toilets “trying to get out,” attracted merely 12 – 15 reporters. Only after 56 days, multiple letters from members of the House of Representatives and a public outcry from conservative groups, did all three broadcast networks report on Gosnell.



7 Comments on “America’s Biggest Serial Killer”

  1. This can’t be right. A nice man of non-European ancestry, and with freckles to boot too. Wait, I’ve got a question. Would he be considered “authentic” or partnered with “The Man?”

  2. Kickstarter seems to be the happening place for idiots to fork over $ to drama-llama fraudsters.

    That they would attempt to moderate the truth of the filmmaker’s presentation says everything about KS that I need to know.

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