America’s Corrupt Election System Revealed In Secret Georgia Report – IOTW Report

America’s Corrupt Election System Revealed In Secret Georgia Report

Emerald Robinson: In a crucial court case currently playing out in Georgia, the entire corrupt facade of America’s election system has been revealed — and the picture that it paints is damning.

Election integrity groups commissioned a report by a computer science professor at the University of Michigan, J. Alex Halderman, who is an election security expert. Halderman produced a 25,000-word report that’s so explosive neither the federal judge in charge of the case nor the U.S. federal government wants it released to the public.

Halderman asserts that Georgia’s electronic voting machines “suffer from specific, highly exploitable vulnerabilities that allow attackers to change votes despite the state’s purported defenses.” Who owns and operates those electronic voting machines in Georgia? Dominion Voting Systems.

Halderman was given twelve weeks of access to an unused Dominion ICX voting machine — the same machines used in Georgia and 16 other states. His conclusions completely destroy the false narrative about the 2020 election being “the most secure election in history.” In fact, Halderman claims that “Georgia voters face an extreme risk that [electronic voting machine]-based attacks could manipulate their individual votes and alter election outcomes.” Since Halderman is a well known election security expert who has testified before Congress, the usual attempts to discredit Halderman as either a conspiracy theorist or an amateur have not been successful. read more

10 Comments on America’s Corrupt Election System Revealed In Secret Georgia Report

  1. “… neither the federal judge in charge of the case nor the U.S. federal government wants it released to the public.”

    Aren’t we paying these maggots?

    Aren’t they supposed to guarantee FREE and FAIR elections?

    The judge needs to be hanged and so do all who support the suppression of facts – which WE paid them to discover!

    Arrogant fucking assholes.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Anonymous
    MARCH 11, 2022 AT 11:11 AM
    “Mike Lindell needs to see this report ASAP.”

    …reading is FUNdamental!

    …from the article…

    “Last week, lawyers for Mike Lindell also filed to gain access to the secret Halderman report. Will that actually happen? Judge Totenberg has said that she’s worried that the report would be “subject to disclosure in other litigation.” (Here’s a transcript of the lawyers discussing relevant matters with Judge Totenberg.) That’s frankly none of her business. The business of the judge is to defend the rule of law in a matter of absolutely crucial importance to the future of our republic, and she is failing spectacularly to do so.”

  3. Tim – FJB
    MARCH 11, 2022 AT 11:35 AM

    “Aren’t we paying these maggots?”

    …Pedo is on record saying he does NOT work for voters. Guess the rest of his illegitimate, fraudulent “government” would say the same thing.

    “Aren’t they supposed to guarantee FREE and FAIR elections?”


    You are FREE to be ruled by Democrats as they see fit, and its only FAIR that they rule you regardless of any “election” as they see fit because, slavery, or something.

    …that’s how THEY see it, at any rate, or so the evidence would suggest…

  4. Who needs to be slapped harder, Mike Pence or John Roberts.
    Both men were entrusted with great responsibility and failed to do their jobs, live up to the oaths they took and have brought disgrace upon this nation.

  5. Cmn¢¢guy MARCH 11, 2022 AT 12:54 PM
    “Pence sold us out for a gold coin.
    I hope it’s worth 30 pieces of silver.”

    …at least Judas had a bad enough attack of conscious to hang himself after his betrayal.

    Pence doesn’t even have the decency to do THAT.

    …seared conscience, I suppose…

    “1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

    2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;”

    1 Timothy 4:1-2


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